
Malaysian Workers Unable to Retire, Having Been Urged to Cash in Pensions to Survive Lockdown

If you thought the British had it bad under lockdown, have a thought for the Malaysians. Forced to stay at home with no furlough payments, they were told to cash in their pensions. The result is they cannot now retire.
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More Power Than We Know: Public opinion and government pandemic policy

More Power Than We Know: Public opinion and government pandemic policyby Ian SinclairMorning Star27 April 2023 The 100,000s of WhatsApp messages sent by government ministers during the pandemic and leaked to the Daily Telegraph led to days of news coverage last month. However, other than the being published in the Tory-supporting broadsheet, one important part […]

Taxpayers Spend $86-Billion from the COVID-19″ Rescue” to Union Pension Funds

The $1.9-trillion Covid bill contains $86-billion for pension funds. NY Times: "The $86-billion is a taxpayer bailout for about 185 union pension plans that are so close to collapse that without the rescue, more than a million retired truck drivers, retail clerks, builders and others could be forced to forgo retirement income."

France: Ongoing Yellow-Vest Protests Against Pension Cuts Is a Growing Conflict with No Possibility of Victory

As long as individuals are required by law to pay into a system not of their choosing and without an option to leave, corruption will flourish and pensions will suffer. When coercion enters, virtue and excellence leave. The people of France are headed into a long conflict in which both of their options are doomed.

Putin sends clear message, this will be last term as Russian President (Video)

In a televised address to Russian citizens, President Vladimir Putin proposed moves that would ease the transition to a new pension system. Such moves included making it illegal to fire employees approaching retirement age.
Putin acknowledged that in the early 2000s, he was against any changes to the Russian pension system and promised that there would not be any changes as long as he was in office, but now the Russian President feels that the country and its institutions are secure enough to undergo a needed pension overhaul.

The Pentagon and HUD Took $21 TRILLION from US Taxpayers!

American taxpayers have been robbed of at least $21-trillion by the DOD and HUD, based on a study of the agencies from 1998 to 2015 made by a professor of economics at Michigan State University. Meanwhile, the government has failed to fund $5-trillion in pension obligations despite many opportunities to do so, concluding it is intentional and that it will cause a "crisis" that will increase taxes, including property tax. [...]

Illinois Proposes Plundering Homeowners to ‘Fix’ Pension Problem

Illinois has the highest property tax in the nation, with an average of 2.67%, and as high as 5% in some areas, yet the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago proposed an additional 1% rate hike to cover the state's underfunded pension problem. The revenue would help only five state pensions, while 650 county and city pension funds remain to be 'fixed'. [God help property owners in Illinois.] [...]