
Mysterious Booms Across Pennsylvania Trigger FBI Investigation

(ZHE) — For the past month, residents in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, have been reporting mysterious booms overnight. However, nobody — not even local authorities — can explain. Now, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has arrived in Upper Bucks and Lehigh Counties to investigate the nighttime explosions. Springfield Township police say that multiple earth-shaking booms occurred as recent […]

Pennsylvania Is More Than Likely To Swing Back To Sanity In November

No one will need that graphic againIt wasn't that long ago that Pennsylvania was a Republican state. In my lifetime presidential elections went to Republicans in the Keystone State 8 times and to Democrats 10 times. In 1980, 1984 and 1988 Pennsylvania voters went for Reagan over Carter (49.6% to 42.8%), for Reagan over Mondale (53.3% to 46.0%) and for George W. Bush over Michael Dukakis (50.7% to 48.4%).

The GOP Has Found Its Sharron Angle For 2018... In Pennsylvania

The GOP, particularly the NRSC, is starting to acknowledge they have their first Todd Akin/Richard Mourdock of 2018: Lou Barletta. In 2012 when Joe Donnelly was winning a Senate seat in Indiana and Claire McCaskill was being reelected in Missouri because their opponents were judged by voters as too insane and extreme, Bob Casey was running in Pennsylvania against a mainstream conservative, Tom Smith.

The DCCC Should Only Fight Republicans And Stop Picking Losers In Primaries

Ashford lost the debate badly-- so the DCCC told him to stop debatingExcept for the inappropriate use of the word "moderates" to characterize reactionaries, I loved Wedneday's wrap up in the Washington Post by James Hohman of Tuesday's primary elections. Oh yeah and the word "far left" to describe actual moderates. But that's why the Beltway media does.

District Polling Is Way More Predictive Than Nationwide Polling: PA-07

Every time there's some bump up or down in the polls I have half a dozen nervous campaign managers who call me to talk about what it means. It means nothing. No, I assure them, the wave is not cancelled. I suggest they check out the special election swings; those swings are far more predictive of what to expect in November than any polling.

How Badly Will The Republican Tax Scam Hurt The GOP In The Midterms?

In Pennsylvania an ungerrymandered congressional map spelled doom and gloom for the GOP. That's why, at least in part, Charlie Dent, Ryan Costello, Bill Shuster and Pat Meehan all announced early retirements and why Brian Fitzpatrick, Rothfus and Mike Kelly still may (or wish they did). The PVIs of these districts changed significantly enough to drive these Republicans out of office.