
Democratic Congressional Opportunities In Southeast Pennsylvania-- IF Steve Israel Doesn't Blow It Again

Do these protesters need to show up at Steve Israel's house?The suburbs north of Philadelphia look promising for Democrats this year. First and foremost, Wall Street-owned New Dem Allyson Schwartz (PA-13) is leaving Congress and is likely to be replaced by the state legislature's liberal lion, Montgomery County Senator Daylin Leach.

Guest Post By Ed Pawlowski, Candidate To Replace Tom Corbett As Governor Of Pennsylvania

Earlier in the year, we started a series of guest posts by the candidates running for governor of Pennsylvania, hoping to find an alternative to New Dem Allyson Schwartz. With her recent exposure as a co-chair of the virulently anti-family, pro-Wall Street, conservative group Third Way, we thought it was time for another installment. This guest post is by Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski.

Halliburton’s Elixir in a Fracked-up World

Coursing through the trackless wastes between Toronto and Winnipeg, our intrepid reporter Rap (short for “rapporteur,” just to add a touch of class), taking a leaf from Stephen Colbert (Col-bear) and his Report (pronouced Re-poor), checked in recently. In fact the paper trail of his expense account items continued, meandering across Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania, notably hovering in Camden, N.J. with an item for $139.50 datelined Moe’s Jazz Society. But no matter. He’s now in Atlantic city and has updated us with a full report.

No Area Safe From Fracking

At the time New Jersey established a ban on fracking, it seemed symbolic, much like the moratorium in Vermont, which has no economically recoverable natural gas; the Marcellus Shale, primarily in New York and Pennsylvania, doesn’t extend into New Jersey. New York has a moratorium on fracking until a health impact statement is completed. Pennsylvania. rushing to compete with groundhogs in digging up the state, has no such moratorium. Nor does the state have any plans to conduct extensive research into the health effects of fracking—Gov.

Is The Democratic Party Serious About Fighting For LGBT Equality?

The Democratic Party prides itself on being a big tent so the answer is both yes and no. Mainstream FDR progressives are very serious about equality-- like the Pennsylvania state Senator, DaylinLeach, in the video above. Confused conservatives who, for whatever reason, stumbled into the wrong party are not. When I was growing up, my grandfather, a dedicated Socialist, told me to never trust the Democrats.

Internal Republican Congressional Politics-- A Madhouse

The Wall Street Journal editorial page, the GOP version of the NY Times, warned the congressional Republicans Wednesday morning, "It's time to wrap up this comedy of political errors… 30 or so Members were tired of getting kicked around by Heritage Action and Senator Ted Cruz and want the whole thing settled… Republicans can best help their cause now by getting this over with."Geor

In the Year 2013-- Not The Year 1913… And In Suburban Pennsylvania, Not Rural Texas

When Elizabeth Warren rails against what she called "backward-looking ideologues" she meant the 15-20 reactionaries who met to plot strategy with Ted Cruz at the notorious Tortilla Coast meeting Monday night, a meeting that included outright racists and secessionists like Steve King (R-IA), Tom Cotton (R-AR), Steve Southerland (R-FL), Mark Meadows (R-NC), Jim Jordan (R-OH) and, of course, Louie Gohmert (R-TX).

Pennsylvania State Senator Daylin Leach Got An "F" From The NRA

Watch Daylin Leach's statement on sensible gun control in the video above. It's likely to be the only substantive thing you'll hear about guns in the campaign for the congressional seat being given up by Allyson Schwartz (Northeast Philadelphia and Montgomery County). There are 4 Democrats in this primary-- and aside from Daylin, so one has a record on guns...