
Winning Back The Senate-- Will The Corrupt Conservative Establishment Get Out Of The Way?

Reactionary Pennsylvania Blue Dog Chris CarneyYesterday we took a quick look at the Senate race starting to form up in Florida. Best case scenario: corrupt power-monger Debbie Wasserman Schultz doesn't run (and neither does Charlie Crist) and Alan Grayson beats conservative Democrats Patrick Murphy or Gwen Graham.

The good news: PA Treasurer Rob McCord wasn't trying to line his pockets, just to extort campaign contributors

If you're wondering why Pennsylvania State Treasurer Rob McCord is smiling, it could be because the picture was taken before the feds started bugging him about his fund-raising tactics in last year's Democratic gubernatorial primary. Here he's seen voting in the primary, May 20, 2014.

The Return Of Blue Dog Chris Carney?

In the 2006 midterms Blue America made a ghastly mistake. We allowed ourselves be be taken in my a bold-faced liar and fast-talking charlatan running for Congress in northeast Pennsylvania. Although we were warned that Carney, a former employee of Douglas Feith in the Bush White House, was untrustworthy, we endorsed him and helped him raise money and develop strategies against against Republican incumbent Don Sherwood.

Mike Kelly, Elitist Teabagger From Pennsylvania-- A Lump Of Coal

Mike Kelly?PA-03, the northwest corner of Pennsylvania (Erie, Meadville, New Castle, down to Pittsburgh's northern suburbs) has traditionally been a swing district. When weak, worthless anti-Choice Blue Dog, Kathy Dahlkemper, beat Phil English in 2008. the PVI was R+2. Dahlkemper beat him 52-48% after running up a 14 point lead in mammoth Erie County while Obama was pummelling McCain there 57-41%.

Interview w/ Matt McCormick of 'Buzz One Four'

'Buzz One Four' is the forthcoming documentary film from Portland-based filmmaker Matt McCormick that tells the tale of the "ill-fated flight of a Cold War Air Force B-52 bomber loaded with two thermonuclear bombs that crashed approximately 100 miles from Washington DC in 1964..." Media Monarchy takes a quick look at the politically personal re

What right-wing scumbags say vs. what they actually do, PA edition

by KenI love this.By way of background, I have an e-mail screen name that wound up being used mostly for political mailings, including campaign stuff. Do I have to tell you what an incredible amount of sludge it draws? I dread even looking at the list of new posts, and manage to do it periodically only so I can keep the sludge from piling up.

Is Steve Israel Helping The CIA Infiltrate Congress With Its Own Agents?

I don't know the answer to the question posed in the title above. I've been trying to find out and I've been tracking down several leads. The names that come up most frequently are Kevin Strouse, who like all CIA spies bills himself as an "ex-CIA analyst" and is running against Mike Fitzpatrick in Bucks County (PA-08); Bobby McKenzie, another former CIA spy who glosses over that and calls himself an "ex-US State Dept.