
The Republicans’ Rhetoric of Hate and Fear

Fear, laced with paranoia, is driving the American response against allowing Syrian refugees into the United States.
President Obama has said he would accept 10,000 refugees, all of them subjected to intense scrutiny before being admitted to the country. France, with a population about one-fifth that of the United States, despite the worst attack on its soil since World War II, will accept 30,000 refugees.

Are Voters Turning Against The Establishment Strongly Enough To Elect John Fetterman To The U.S. Senate?

I haven't lived in Pennsylvania in over a decade, and when I first heard about a guy named John Fetterman jumping into the Democratic primary for the Senate seat currently held by right-wing Republican Pat Toomey, I didn't understand what that meant. This guy looks like a biker, I thought-- and that town 10 miles east of Pittsburgh he's the mayor of, Braddock, has a population of just over 2,000. But I called him anyway... and was impressed with how down to earth and straightforward he is. And for real.

Pennsylvania's Roadmap For Progressives Across America Who Are Fed Up With State Democratic Party Dysfunction

"This state's Democratic Party is like the Mickey Mouse Club, only with less cohesion and direction." There may be a few states where that dollop of reality is just plain false. But the state Democratic Parties overall are a collection of pointless messes, run by self-serving men and women with small minds, pedestrian outlooks and ironically big egos. There are almost no state Democratic Parties that aren't pitifully dysfunctional.

Whoopin’ and a-Hollerin’ for the Plantation Life

Judge A. Joseph Antanavage, with shotgun in hand, stood before a modified Confederate battle flag, and looked as if he had planned to defend whatever it is that the Confederate flag stands for.
But, this wasn’t in the South. This was at a pigeon shoot near Hamburg, Pa. Pennsylvania is not only where the only legal organized pigeon shoots still exist, but where it’s not unusual to see shooters waving the Confederate flag or wearing clothing that features the flag.

Chuck Schumer And Jon Tester Would Rather See Toomey Reelected Than See Joe Sestak Win The Pennsylvania Seat

Sestak and Schumer-- One served his country and one serves his Wall Street donorsAs new top dog among Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer oversees Jon Tester and the DSCC. And sometimes it looks like the two of them are more engaged in disparaging progressive candidates than in getting actual Democrats elected.

Pennsylvania Court strikes down law aimed at keeping convicts out of public eye

RT | May 5, 2015 A federal court in Pennsylvania overturned the Revictimization Relief Act, which aimed to ban convicted criminals from speaking publicly. The federal district court on Monday said the statute introduced by lawmakers violated the first amendment rights of one-time death row inmate Mumia Abu-Jamal and other prisoners. The law was introduced […]

Did An Anti-Union Billionaire Hijack The Inquirer's Endorsement Process On Behalf Of Anthony Williams?

Technically, the election for mayor of Philadelphia isn't until November 3. In a more practical sense, the city's Democratic voters will select the next mayor on May 19-- 2 weeks from tomorrow-- in the 6-way primary. You may be aware that Blue America has already endorsed the progressive in the race, Jim Kenney.