
Will Pennsylvanians Let NY Greaseball Chuck Schumer Pick Their Senator Today?

Few people remember Joe Biden's Senate record. But I'm one who does. "Corporate whore" comes rapidly to mind. Biden was a right-of-center establishment Democratic who represented Wall Street interests while painting himself as a man of the people who road Amtrack. Outside of Delaware-- where he was a sentaor from 1973 'til 2008-- no one ever bought the hype back then, though Politico, which wasn't around then, does today.

Pivoting Right Always Comes Very Naturally To Hillary Clinton

I'm so old I remember when the Hillary Clinton I've come to despise beyond reasonableness was blaming Bernie for Sandy Hook during the New York primary. Look, New Yorkers are overwhelmingly anti-gun-- and, it worked. I literally heard a first-time Bernie contributor saying "I want my $27 back"-- without a trace of irony-- while she snarled and foamed at the mouth during the debate about guns.

Nation's Oldest Black Newspaper Comes Down Against The Corrupt Establishment-- Endorses Bernie And Joe Sestak

The Philadelphia Tribune started publishing in 1884 and today it's the oldest continually publishing African-American newspaper in the country. The paper is and has always been a steady and reasonable voice for black equality in southeastern Pennsylvania. It reaches over 620,000 black readers weekly.

Schumer's Jihad Against Joe Sestak Is Making Many Senate Democrats Nervous

Tuesday is primary day in Pennsylvania. It looks like Trump will defeat Cruz and Kasich massively and that Clinton will chalk up a narrower victory over Bernie-- unless there's a massive turnout, in which case Bernie will chalk up a narrow victory over her. But many people are taking the presidential results for granted and are more interested in the Democratic Senate primary pitting former Congressman Joe Sestak-- an Admiral who is the highest-ranking military officer ever elected to Congress-- against machine boss hack Katie McGinty.

LIONEL PODCAST: How to Psychoanalyze Yourself in One Easy Lesson Through My Patented Thought Experiment Therapy

You’re nothing. Insignificant cosmically. And the sooner you understand this the healthier you’ll be. Psychically. Herein are subjects that you should review – humility, your role in the cosmic garbage disposal and how to self-analyze through talk therapy and thought experiments. It’s a rather simple concept and one I commend to you. Take heart. It’s all perspective. And, like incest, it’s all relative. You’re welcome.

LIONEL PODCAST: AutoMourn, America’s Ghoulish Funereal Media Dance and Kakistocracy

Remember that thing called the election? I mean the election. With our media’s ghoulish and juvenescent preoccupation with over-the-top funereal renditions of what is allegedly respectful remembrance and classy eulogia, all that matters is ignored. But I tried. And try. To redirect the attention span of our collective country.

How Odious A Character Is Chuck Schumer? You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

Like me, Chuck Schumer and Bernie Sanders are both graduates of PS-197 and James Madison High School in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. There isn't much else, though, that Schumer and Bernie have in common. Bernie is a life-long progressive and reformer. Schumer has never had a reformist moment in his miserable political life.

Pennsylvania Becomes 24th State to Legalize Medical Marijuana

After the state House voted in favor of the medical marijuana bill, marijuana activists were biting their nails for fear the Senate would find a way to slow or stall the bill, but the bill passed last week.
Supporters knew they’d been successful, as Governor Tom Wolf had vowed to sign it into law. And the governor did not disappoint. Wolf signed the bill on Sunday, making Pennsylvania the 24th state in the nation to embrace marijuana as a legitimate form of medical treatment.
Wolf said:

Both Parties' Grassroots Strive To Clean Up The Corruption. Pennsylvania Republicans Have A Shot A Week From Today

There oughta be a law... oh, there are severalLast week we looked at how the Airline industry-- through their trade association-- chipped in to buy Pennsylvania Republican Bill Shuster, chairman of the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee a sexual relationship with a lady lobbyist.