
Koch Brothers Prepare To Go To War Against Democrats, While Schumer, Reid And Wasserman Schultz Go To War Against Progressives

So what are the Democrats doing while the Koch brothers ready a $30 million Senate war-chest for August and September targeting races in Florida, Nevada, Ohio and Pennsylvania? If you're on the DSCC mailing list you know they are asking for contributions on a daily basis.

Pennsylvania Cop who Killed Cat that Hissed at Him Cited for Animal Cruelty

In the normally quiet and small town of North Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, a concerned citizen called police to assist an injured cat named Sugar that had wandered in his yard.
Police ended up killing the cat.
North Catasagua police officer Leighton Pursell said the cat hissed at him, which made him fear for his safety, so he pulled out his shotgun and shot Sugar in the neck. He then tossed the carcass in a Dumpster without trying to find its owner.

LIONEL PODCAST: Subway Frottage, Autoplushophilia, Extreme Shuffleboard, Brooklyn Boors and Transgender Loo High Jinks

Warning. Lionel Podcasts have in double blind tests been linked to causing uncontrollable urges to eat, gamble, shop and have unprotected sex with carnival midway ride operators named “Buddy” sporting maroon rags in their back pockets. They have also been associated with dizziness, weakness, lightheadedness, nausea, vomiting, stomach upset, tiredness, excess saliva or drooling, choking or trouble swallowing, blurred vision, headache, anxiety, weight gain, drowsiness, sleep problems (insomnia), and constipation. Other side excepts are listed infra.

Will The DCCC Welcome Teabaggers Angry At Establishment Republicans?-- PA-09

In the off-chance that the all-white Republican voters in deep red PA-09-- basically the leftover bits and bobs of the southern and central Pennsylvania: Altoona, the exurbs south of Pittsburgh to Chambersburg halfway across the state-- roused themselves on primary day a couple weeks ago to puke on their crooked, philandering congressman, Bill Shuster, we took a little look at the second primary challenge Shuster was getting from wealthy extreme right

Pennsylvania Man Arrested on Felony for Recording Cop Files Lawsuit

As far as police videos go, it was pretty uneventful; a vertical video showing a Pennsylvania police officer trying to resolve a neighborhood parking dispute between a resident and a school teacher who worked nearby.
Nobody was arrested. Nobody was beaten. Nobody was tasered or pepper sprayed. And nobody was shot and killed, which meant that nobody really cared. 

LIONEL PODCAST: Hillary Clinton Will Steal the Vote and Election If Not Indicted

“The argument that the two parties should represent opposed ideals and policies… is a foolish idea. Instead, the two parties should be almost identical, so that the American people can throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound or extensive shifts in policy. Then it should be possible to replace it, every four years if necessary, by the other party which will be none of these things but will still pursue, with new vigor, approximately the same basic policies.” ― Carroll Quigley

LIONEL PODCAST: Eulogium for Daniel Berrigan, #WHCD Vapidity and Will More Wilmore Suffice

You will never see the likes of the Brothers Berrigan again. Or Will Rogers, the Marks (Twain and Russell), Dick Gregory, Mort Sahl, George Carlin and Bill Hicks. We’re not talking historical vestiges, vintage heroes. No. We’re talking simply the best of the best who will never return. At least for a few more lifetimes. Listen herein to find the context of my cantankerous contempt.

Democrats In Name Only

It was pretty awesome that Democratic primary voters in PA-07 (the suburbs south and southwest of Philly) so thoroughly rejected the DCCC-recruited candidate Tuesday and voted massively for Elizabeth Warren-wing local progressive Mary Ellen Balchunis. Local Delaware County Democrats were as pissed off about DCCC heavy-handed interference as Democrats are all over the country. And in PA-07 they expressed that by voting 51,525 (73.8%) for Balchunis to 18,276 (26.2%) for the DCCC's wealthy handpicked outsider, Bill Golderer.

Will Bernie Have An Impact Even If American Voters Elect A Status Quo Candidate?

Yesterday Bernie drew 43.6% at the polls in Pennsylvania and John Fetterman, the Senate candidate who had endorsed him and was running on his platform, drew a mere 19.3% of the vote (better than most polling had been predicting but still less than half of Bernie's voters). In Maryland Bernie took just 33.3% of the vote, while Donna Edwards only got 38.8%. Although Donna and Bernie were running on a similar progressive package of issues and values, she had endorsed Hillary.