
LIONEL PODCAST: Black Lives Matter Is a Radical Terror Hate Group and a Blatant Con

“Assata taught me.” The cited and oft-referenced inspiration behind the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement – the individual cited as its guru, maharishi and founder and regularly quoted by its supporters – is a convicted cop killer who is on the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorists list. Pay particular note, this is critical.

LIONEL PODCAST: America – Conceived in Conspiracy, Born in Revolution, Brexit in Reverse

Mr. Vidal said it best. And as our beloved republic celebrates the 240th anniversary of this exquisite laboratory experiment in liberty and as Hillary Clinton emerges from a “voluntary” discussion with FBI agents as to her various server and email derring-do and as we contemplate November and the worst possible offering of candidates in the history of our motherland, let us remember Gore Vidal.

Pennsylvania Cop Acquitted for Ripping Phone from Woman and Beating her for Recording Traffic Stop

A Pennsylvania cop arrested for ripping a phone out of a woman’s hand because she was recording, then slamming it on a sidewalk and punching her in the face was acquitted of all charges Wednesday.
This despite video evidence proving Reading police officer Jesus Santiago-DeJesus violating the woman’s First Amendment right to record as well as proving he lied about why he had pulled her over in the first place.