
Philadelphia Cops Threaten to Seize Man’s Phone for Recording them Arresting Other Men

Philadelphia cops were arresting two men on a darkened street for disorderly conduct aka “contempt of cop” when one of the men being arrested called out to a passing bicyclist, asking him to record the interaction.
The cyclist, Jean-Jacques Gabriel, wasted no time in stopping his bike, pulling out his smart phone and video recording on Facebook Live.
The cops then began harassing him with their usual bullying routine; accusing him of obstructing traffic, even though Gabriel was standing across the street on his bicycle in a bike lane.

Award-Winning Pennsylvania Cop Commits Suicide Days Before Trial for Exposing Himself to Woman

An award-winning Pennsylvania state trooper awaiting trial for exposing his penis to a woman as part of a $20 discount on police memorabilia committed suicide Thursday.
Eric Zona, a 19-year veteran of the Pennsylvania State Police, was found dead in a wooded area, according to CBS Pittsburgh.
The 46-year-old cop was scheduled to go to trial on misdemeanor counts of indecent exposure and open lewdness on October 31.

LIONEL PODCAST: Assange, WikiLeaks and the Death of Mainstream Media Pretend Journalism

Julian Assange is a planetary hero.
A hero. Of the first stripe. Were it not for Mr. Assange what would we know today? And what would we remain ignorant of still? But what’s more intellectually is how we still fail to understand the relevance of the revelation. And how the media would have been doing heir job by at least reporting on the drops the way it did the Pentagon papers. Proudly, no less. And remember, they were in effect stolen as well. Whither  journalistic curiosity?

LIONEL PODCAST: The Hillary-Trump Media Sexcapades Sideshow and Psycho Circus

In 2014 as he was discussing the disappearance of Malaysian Airlines Flight 370, CNN rodeo clown Don Lemon, reported and reputed to be the stupidest human on television, discussed the chance of something “supernatural” happening and actually asked panelists about the possibility that a black hole was involved. I swear to Gawd.
Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under. — H. L. Mencken

The Philly Suburbs Can Stop Trump AND Make Congress More Progressive And More Productive

I woke up yesterday to the news that Bob Dylan had won the Nobel Prize for Literature and that the Trump campaign, looking at it's internal polling numbers in Virginia-- numbers that show Clinton far ahead of him with the gap growing-- decided to end their efforts in the state entirely withdrawing all resources, including scheduled advertising.

LIONEL PODCAST: The Delusional Voter Turned Her Back on America

Incomprehensible horrors to the republic. Incalculable bellicosity and warmongering as a platform, scheduled and crafter and scripted by necocon think tanks. You will rue this day. You will not be able to reclaim that which you’ve squandered. Behold the media’s infantilism and “journalistic” autonepiophilia. But I digress . . . enjoy this aural selection and amuse-bouche.

LIONEL PODCAST: Wikileaks and the Destruction of the Media

Take a gander infra. Go ahead. This is monumentally amazing for even the mildly sentient. Why? Because the mainstream media have covered absolutely nothing of the matter. A worldwide story of indescribable import and it’s ignored altogether because the information contained therein is embarrassing to the Clinton regime.
“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans.”

LIONEL PODCAST: Lout vs. Liar — Debate II Waterloo

“Kenneth, what is the frequency?”
The Trump legacy in meme. Add this Trump trope metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and irony. The #MAGA mayhem. All that counts and all that’s remembered. The holier-than-thou moral certitude of every two bit political hack wannabe spewing and spraying posts with their definitive word on Herr Drumpf. Mindlessly uncomplicated as to an event but too hard for the moral certitude experts to let go. God, I love this country. Hillary Clinton is your next POTUS. Not because of this, but because always bet on the Clintons.

Award-Winning Pennsylvania Cop Admits to Masturbating in Dick’s Parking Lot to Stay Awake

An award-winning Pennsylvania cop said he was struggling to stay awake on the drive home from work, so he would pull out his penis and masturbate while driving, which kept him from nodding off.
But Pennsylvania state police charged him with two counts of misdemeanor indecent exposure after two women called them to complain about him on two separate occasions, saying he would pull up his car next to their car to ensure they saw him masturbating.
One woman said he was fondling his penis while “waving it around.”