
Pennsylvania Governor Vetoes Bill that Would have Illegalized Release of Names of Cops who Kill in Line of Duty

Pennsylvania politicians tried their best to pass a law making it illegal to release the names of cops who shoot citizens that result in death of “seriously bodily harm” for at least 30 days from the incident or until an investigation is completed.
The bill sailed through both the house and the senate with legislators on both sides of the political spectrum saying it was important to hide the identities of cops who kill for their own safety – even though there has not been any documented cases of killer cops being retaliated against for their actions.

LIONEL PODCAST: #LOTUS4POTUS Selection Eve – America Doomed, a Republic in Freefall

MAKE AMERICA SANE AGAIN. “If voting changed anything, they’d make it illegal.” Thus spake America’s anarchist sweetheart Emma Goldman. But E-Go never met Lionel and would have certainly changed her tune once she reviewed his courageous, bold and revolutionary platform. For POTUS . . .  LOTUS (Lionel of the United States).

Why Chuck Schumer Fought To Give Rob Portman Such A Weak Opponent

One of the great (so far) untold stories about the battle for the Senate involves Schumer's very explicit threat to Bernie Sanders to not interfere in primaries against his hand-picked candidates in 4 key states. The threat was loss of a good Senate committee chairmanship in 2017 if Bernie did anything to help progressives against Schumer's Wall Street-friendly picks in Pennsylvania, Florida and Ohio.