
No-Go Zone: Lentils, Lab-Grown Fish & Pedophile-Positive For SCOTUS?

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Henrik cover the latest news in episode 95 of No-Go Zone.
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No-Go Zone: Ottawa & Coutts Protests Intensifies, CNN's Zucker Resigns, Whoopi Goldberg Finds Out

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest in episode 89 of o-Go Zone.
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No-Go Zone: Unvaccinated Lose Citizenship, Vaccinated Dying At Unprecedented Levels, Kazakhstan Coup?

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest news in episode 85 of No-Go Zone.
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No-Go Zone: Ghislaine Maxwell Guilty, Frauds, Phonies, & Jabs

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik cover the latest in episode 84 of No-Go Zone.
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‘Winter Of Death,’ Boost The Kids, Turn Them Trans, Single & Childless - FF Ep151

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest in episode 151 of Flashback Friday.
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Ryan Dawson - Ghislaine Maxwell Trial & Santa Inc.

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Ryan Dawson joins Henrik to talk about Ghislaine Maxwell's Trial and brings some Christmas cheer.
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Pedophile Epidemic, Smollett Guilty, Evergrande Collapse & Going ‘Undercover’ As White - FF Ep150

This is the audio version of the show. If you want to watch the video version go here. We have RSS/Podcast feeds available here.
Henrik and Lana cover the latest in episode 150 of Flashback Friday.
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Forty Percent of Police Families Experience Domestic Violence, Compared to 10% in the General Population

Police protecting the down-trodden from violenceby Thomas Neuburger"If there's any job that domestic abuse should disqualify a person from holding, it's the one job that gives you a lethal weapon, trains you to stalk people without their noticing, and relies on your judgment and discretion to protect the abused from abusers."—Conor Friedersdorf

Porkins Policy Radio episode 145 The Tommy Robinson Con and Qanon’s Coup

In the first hour Keelan Balderson of joins us to talk about the truth behind Tommy Robinson’s arrest and the media circus that surrounds it. Keelan explains the legal reasons for why Robinson was held in contempt of court. He also discusses how Robinson posed a serious threat to the criminal case he was pretending to “expose.” Keelan talks about how Robinson’s actions could have actually helped the alleged pedophiles get off.