
Great Value and Bountiful Harvest Frozen Veggies Recalled Due to Listeria

The National Frozen Food Corporation has issued a voluntary recall of some of its frozen peas and mixed vegetables due to a possible listeria contamination. Included in the recall are any frozen peas and mixed vegetables packaged between September 2 and June 2 which have the brand name First Street, Bountiful Harvest, Great Value, Market Pantry, and Live Smart. Green Cuisine is also recalling their pesto salad with arugula due to possible listeria contamination.

Which of Your Foods are Sprayed with Round Up Just 3 Days Before Harvest?

If your food isn’t certified organic, you’re consuming some toxic food. Want to know why? Monsanto’s Round Up ‘pre-harvest’ spraying guide meant for conventional farmers recommends that they spray crops just three days prior to harvest – and they don’t just mean on GMO crops. This means you’re likely consuming food which had been drenched in toxic pesticides.