
Don’t Forget About the 2017 Dirty Dozen List: Most Pesticide-Tainted Produce

Every year the Environmental Working Group (EWG) puts out a list of the 12 types of produce that contain the most pesticides. The group analyzes tests by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for the list. The list was released in the beginning of the year, but it’s important to browse the list multiple times so the information is at your fingertips. [1]

Orphaned Kittens Find Love in the Arms of Senior Citizens

Nursing homes and animal rescues have a lot in common, when you think about it. Both can be lonely, isolating places that lack the warmth and familiarity of loved ones and home. So it makes perfect sense that the Pima Animal Care Center (PACC) in Tucson, Arizona, decided to team up with Catalina Springs Memory Care to save homeless felines and enrich the lives of senior citizens. [1]

21 Awesome Foods You Can Easily Re-Grow at Home

Buying organic food is often a little more expensive, but you can make your budget stretch farther with just a little bit of effort. Since produce is one of the most expensive items you will buy, why not grow your own at home? There are many healthy foods that you can re-grow right in your own kitchen, some with nothing but water.

Here are 21 foods to grow at home to save money and enjoy better health: