peace talks

CONFIRMED: US will have no future role in Peace Process – Palestinian Foreign Minister

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Turkish FM puts Cyprus peace talks in crisis

Peace talks for Cyprus have faced a grave setback after Turkey’s Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu explicitly ruled out withdrawing Turkish troops from Cyprus, a sovereign state that Turkey has partly occupied since 1974.
Cavusoglu called the removal of Turkish troops a “non-starter” and told groups representing Greek Cypriots to “wake-up” if they thought that such an option would be realistic.
Most Greek Cypriot activists continue to demand the full withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus as conditions for reunification.
Peace talks continue in Geneva.

Syria War: Damascus Hit With Fresh Assault By Militants

Syrian government forces on Monday regained control of parts of Damascus that were attacked and captured by rebels and militants the previous day, with the two-day fighting leaving dozens dead on both sides. (SANA via AP)
Rebels on Tuesday launched a fresh assault on east Damascus, two days after Syrian government forces repelled an initial attack just a few kilometers from the center of the capital.

The Paris Peace Conference

No, it was not just ‘another Middle East peace conference,’ as a columnist in Israeli Jerusalem Post attempted to depict the Paris Peace Conference held on January 15, with top official representations from 70 countries attending.  If it was, indeed, just ‘another peace conference’, representatives from the Israeli government and the Palestinian Authority (PA) would have attended as well.

Russia: Syrian Government, Rebels Sign Cease-Fire Deal

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Syria President Bashar Assad arrive for a meeting in the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, Oct. 20, 2015. (Alexei Druzhinin/AP)
ANKARA, Turkey (REPORT) — Russia’s president and the Syrian army said Thursday that a nation-wide cease-fire agreement has been reached with opposition rebels, set to begin at midnight. The deal was confirmed by the Turkish foreign ministry.

“Unhelpful” to blame anyone for peace talks breakdown

…. says British government. Support Kerry and return to pointless negotiations.

by Stuart Littlewood

(London) – Britain’s Foreign Office, presided over by William Hague, has come up with the most fatuous response so far to the collapse of the latest peace talks stage-managed, as always, by Israel’s partner in crime, America. Here it is……..
Foreign and Commonwealth Office