peace talks

As US and Western Allies Suddenly Push Peace in Yemen, Can Their Endgame be Trusted?

SANA’A, YEMEN — Mohammed Ali al-Houthi, the head of Ansar Allah’s Supreme Revolutionary Committee, welcomed U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis’ recent remarks urging an end to the three-year-long Saudi-led war in Yemen. In a tweet, Al-Houthi urged Mattis to announce an immediate end to the war, as well as to the Saudi coalition’s blockade that has triggered a famine in the world’s poorest nation.

17 Ruinous and Fruitless Years After 9/11, US Looks to Face-Saving Peace Talks with Taliban Before Exiting Afghanistan

KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – As the U.S. marked the 17 years that have passed since September 11, 2001, people across the Muslim world have looked back on the destruction the U.S. has unleashed in the so-called “Global War on Terror” that was launched in the wake of the World Trade Center’s destruction.

After Sabotaging Peace Talks, Saudi Coalition Launches Massive Attack on Hodeida

HODEIDA, YEMEN — The U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition launched a massive military offensive against the Red Sea port city of Hodeida last night. The new attack is aimed at capturing the populated city, despite warnings by the United Nations and international rights groups that the move would have catastrophic humanitarian repercussions.

With Korean Peace Talks Inherently Fragile, a Little Washington Sabotage Goes a Long Way

WASHINGTON — Talks between the United States and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK, as North Korea is officially known) have taken a decided turn for the worse this week, proving the inability of the two sides to make headway since June’s Singapore summit between President Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong-un.

Duterte Beckons Communist Negotiators “Home” to Talk at Gunpoint, Reds Reject the Invitation

DAVAO, PHILIPPINES — The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) has roundly rejected President Rodrigo Duterte’s set of stringent conditions for the continuation of peace talks with the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP), blasting Manila’s intransigence and accusing it of seeking to drive “another nail to completely shut down” the process while making it appear that the communists are the ones who are blocking the path forward to peace.

Ecuador’s Drastic Pro-US Rightward Swing Continues with Disavowal of ELN-Colombia Peace Talks

QUITO, ECUADOR (Analysis) — Ecuador’s government has pulled the plug on its support for peace talks between the Colombian government and the leftist National Liberation Army (ELN), noting that it would not condone such talks as long as the ELN continues to wage its armed struggle against the state. The guerilla group remains the largest in Colombia with around 2,000 members.

Kerry’s Alleged Talks With Palestinians: Amid Pro-Israeli Stampede by US, A Silent Tug-of-War?

LONDON — The Trump administration’s announcement that it would relocate the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem has resulted in an absolute breakdown in ties between Washington and the Palestinian Authority based in Ramallah. According to a recent report, however, the government of President Mahmoud Abbas may be enjoying support from an unlikely quarter: the top diplomat of the previous U.S. administration.