peace process

More threats from Palestine’s nasty neigbour

Israel to extract a heavy price if Palestinians join UN bodies, says minister
 by Stuart Littlewood
US-brokered negotiations with Israel, which started on 29 July 2013 and were to last nine months, are nearing their ignominious end. And Israel, the serial defaulter that it is, has reneged on the agreed release of 104 pre-Oslo prisoners in exchange for Palestine’s postponing joining international organizations to help achieve their long-overdue freedom.

Israel’s Bubble of Denial

The 24-hour visit by German chancellor Angela Merkel to Israel this week came as relations between the two countries hit rock bottom. According to a report in Der Spiegel magazine last week, Merkel and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been drawn into shouting matches when discussing by phone the faltering peace process.

The Jewish Nation State Demand Another Pipe Dream

Netanyahu demand that the Palestinian leadership recognize Israel as the “Nation State of the Jewish People just another trick to sabotage the “peace process”
WHAT’S WRONG about the demand that the Palestinian leadership recognize Israel as the “Nation State of the Jewish People”?
Well, practically everything.
States recognize each other. They don’t have to recognize each other’s ideological character.