Pavlo Klimkin

Bankrupt Ukraine pays $400,000 to meet Trump at White House

There’s nothing extraordinary about foreign ministers or heads of state meeting with the US President – unless you are Ukrainian and there are traces of corruption.
The meeting between Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin and Donald Trump were covered extensively by the Western mainstream press, and also spending most of their time on who was or wasn’t allowed to take photos at Trump’s meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov…

Sen. Graham to moronic Ukraine foreign minister: Just shut up and we’ll cut you a check (VIDEO)

Russophobia watchers got a real treat on Tuesday. That is, if you manage to maintain a sense of humor about these things.
The ambassadors of Poland, Georgia, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania were joined by the foreign minister of Ukraine, the diminutive dweeb Pavlo Klimkin, for a deluxe crying and whining session. The goal: extract as much money as possible from US taxpayers by licking Washington’s boots.