Paul Krugman

Will We Ever Know Which Counties In Wisconsin, Pennsylvania And Michigan Putin Hacked?

What's the bottom line on Russian interference in the election on behalf of Putin's puppet candidate? Was it just propaganda aimed at an easily manipulated U.S. media coupled with fake news aimed at low-IQ voters? Or is there evidence that the Russians actually tampered with easily hackable voting machines in Outagamie Kenosha and Portage counties in Wisconsin, Macomb and Muskegon counties in Michigan and Luzerne and Erie counties in Pennsylvania.

The Establishment Snarls a Warning to Sanders

When Republicans are in the White House, Paul Krugman and the New York Times sometimes sound pretty good. But when someone starts seriously and effectively challenging core assumptions and values of our political economic system, the progressive veneer quickly vanishes.  This is demonstrated in Paul Krugman’s verbal attack on the Bernie Sanders campaign in his “Sanders Over the Edge” editorial.

Krugman Over The Edge

I wonder if I'll ever read anything by Paul Krugman again. I doubt it. As Matt Taibbi put so elegantly in Rolling Stone Friday, "he's been doing a lot of shovel work for the Hillary Clinton campaign lately" and what he's shoveling is destroying his own reputation. Krugman's "Sanders Over The Edge" piece in the NY Times Friday was an ugly character attack but what's turned so many former Krugman fans off was his bullshit about the causes of the crash.

The Disappearance of Hillary Clinton’s Healthcare Platform

By Benjamin Day | Common Dreams | March 30, 2016 What would happen if the media lifted the curtain on Clinton’s healthcare platform and introduced any level of scrutiny to her proposed improvements on the Affordable Care Act? In an extraordinary magic trick, performed on a national scale, Hillary Clinton’s healthcare platform has been disappeared. […]

By Definition "The Establishment" Is Always A Force For Conservatism, Preserving The Status Quo

Increasingly loathed Democratic Party bosses like Schumer, Wasserman Schultz, Hoyer, Emanuel, Van Hollen, Israel can't understand why Bernie is doing so well. They want to stop him, of course, but, according the a report from Lauren French and John Bresnahan, they also want to emulate... something.

Yes Trumpf And Cruz Are Dangerous-- But Hardly More So Than Paul Ryan

Paul Ryan, who still hopes, perhaps at this point unrealistically, to be the compromise candidate of a deadlocked GOP convention, has been tweeting all weekend that "We will put forward a bold, pro-growth agenda. It will show where we stand." Except Paul Ryan didn't just pop onto the scene when he managed to "Awww... shucks, fellas, not me" his way into the Speaker's chair.

If Florida Voters Want More Of What George Bush And Marco Rubio Gave Them, Alan Grayson Isn't The Way To Go

Tuesday Paul Krugman was ruminating on how lucky the GOP establishment is that the noisy mess that is Herr Trumpf is keeping people from focusing on "the hard right turn even conventional Republican candidates have taken, a turn whose radicalism would have seemed implausible not long ago.