Paul Krugman

Chicken Or Egg: People In Trump States Have Lower Life Expectancies

Trump states have lower life expectancy. Is that because they embrace Trumpist policies that make them more likely to die sooner than normal people? Or is it the deleterious impact of those policies that cause them to embrace Trumpism in the first place? Monday, Paul Krugman took a closer look: America's Red State Death Trip.

Neil Young On The Climate Crisis-- "Obama Was A Huge Letdown"

Neil Young said he doesn't feel-- at least not in the fight against the Climate Crisis-- like Obama was "great and Trump sucks. I don't feel that way." He feels they both suck. "I know Obama was more aligned with the way I think. But he didn't do anything... they're both losers. This one's a loser; the last one was a loser.

Kentucky Doesn't Pay Even Close To Its Fair Share Of Taxes. What Should We Do About That?

Kentucky's delegation to Congress includes two Republican senators, Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, plus 6 members of the House, 5 Republicans and one Democrat: James Comer (R), Brett Guthrie (R), John Yarmuth (D), Thomas Massie (R), Hal Rogers (R) and Andy Barr (R). With the exception of Yarmuth, they all have something in common: an often-stated desire to shrink the federal government and reduce taxes.

Paul Krugman Probably Doesn’t Realize He Just Summarized What Joe Biden Has On Offer

On Saturday Paul Krugman wrote in his NY Times column that this week he will be “participating in an Economic Policy Institute conference on ‘excessive wealth disorder’— the problems and dangers created by extreme concentration of income and wealth at the top.” Notes On Excessive Wealth Disorder— How Not To Repeat The Mistakes Of 2011 deals not so much with t

Is A 70% Tax Rate On Incomes Beyond A Million Dollars Enough? Why Not Back To 90 Where It Used To Be Before 1963?

The weekend Paul Krugman was on fire after Republicans cluelessly went on the warpath against Alexandria Cortez again, this time because of her 60 Minutes tax hike for the rich proposal. His NY Times column, The Economics of Soaking the Rich, started by asking "What does Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez know about tax policy?" and then answering... "A lot."

Trump Isn’t The Problem, He’s the Manifestation of America’s Id

Paul Krugman, professor of international trade and economics at Princeton University

The speed of America’s moral descent under Donald Trump is breathtaking. In a matter of months we’ve gone from a nation that stood for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness to a nation that tears children from their parents and puts them in cages.
— Paul Krugman, New York Times column, June 21, 2018