Paul Craig Roberts blasts the foolish, lying CNN and Megyn Kelly. Praises Oliver Stone’s work

In his latest post, “It Is the Presstitutes, Not Russia, Who Interfered in the US Presidential Election“, Paul Craig Roberts continues to call the establishment DC Deep State, as he weighs in on the differences between the recent Oliver Stone and Megyn Kelly interviews of Russian President Vladimir Putin noting that, “Oliver Stone, who knew how to interview Vladimir Putin, Megyn Kelly did not.

Paul Craig Roberts asks: “Are the Washington Post editors trying to bring on nuclear armageddon?”

Paul Craig Roberts destroys the Washington Post in his latest post entitled, “The World Is Going Down With Trump.
Roberts also asks why Trump is not fighting harder to drain the swamp, because if the POTUS does not act quickly enough, then the swamp will drown Trump, and possibly the entire planet.

9/11 Destroyed America

The events on September 11, 2001, changed the world. It was the excuse for the US government to launch military attacks on seven Middle Eastern countries, causing civilian casualties in the millions and sending waves of Muslim refugees into the Western world. The US government wasted trillions of dollars destroying countries and murdering women and children, while public infrastructure in the US deteriorated, Americans’ homes were foreclosed, and American health needs went unattended.

Paul Craig Roberts: “A new White House Fool has replaced the old fool”

Rex Tillerson’s recent trip to Moscow, amidst a ramp up in tensions between the US and Russia over Trump’s illegal missile strike on Syria, was seen by many analysts as a failed attempt by the Trump White House to deliver ultimatums to a Russia committed to defeating ISIS, and preventing Syria from failing under ISIS-Al Qaeda control.

EXPOSED: Russiagate is a cover story to deflect away from Obama’s spying on Trump

We at The Duran have no doubt that the entire ‘Russiagate’ fake news is a complete smokescreen to cover up the real scandal…a current US President (Barack Obama) spying on a presidential candidate and then president-elect (Donald Trump), in what can only be characterized as a political assassination plot, not even seen in a third world government.

Is The Trump Administration Already Over?

For twenty-four years—eight years of the criminal Clinton regime, eight years of the criminal Bush regime, eight years of the criminal Obama regime—the world has heard threats from Washington that have resulted in the death and destruction of millions of peoples and entire countries. The Trump administration needs to present a different Washington to the world.
The post Is The Trump Administration Already Over? appeared first on BSNEWS.