Paul Craig Roberts asks, are we about to witness a Stalinist purge in America?

Since Trump’s historic election victory, the United States is moving ever closer to becoming a fascist state, seeking to remove President Trump from power, censoring media critical of liberal left ideology, and fighting to centralize power into the hands of the few globalist elite.
Will this be the year that America descends into complete tyranny?
A Stalinist Purge In America?” by Paul Craig Roberts…

Paul Craig Roberts: The Result of Mueller’s Investigation: Nothing

As the corrupt mainstream media hyperventilates over 13 Russian bots spending $49,000 on Facebook ads, that in essence made fun of Hillary Clinton, in a clever Kremlin conspiracy to “sow discord” and “undermine America’s democracy”, Paul Craig Roberts notes that after 9 months of having Robert Mueller investigate Russian “collusio

Paul Craig Roberts: “The world will not survive the American neoconservatives’ doctrine of US world hegemony”

According to Zerohedge, the Trump administration will continue much of the Obama administration’s nuclear weapons policy – with the addition of a much more aggressive stance towards Russia, according to the results of a year-long, 74-page “Nuclear Posture Review” (NPR) conducted by the Department of Defense.

Paul Craig Roberts: “Washington is again at work against the Iranian people”

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Paul Craig Roberts: “The New Year is one full of economic, political, and war threats”

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Paul Craig Roberts: Trump has surrendered to the real rulers of America

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Paul Craig Roberts dissects “Trump’s National Security Speech.