Washington Is Insane

“As far as Washington is concerned, the people are nothing but chaff in the wind.”
In the 21st century the two hundred year-old propaganda that the American people control their government has been completely shattered. Both the Bush and Obama regimes have made it unmistakably clear that the American people don’t even influence, much less control, the government. As far as Washington is concerned, the people are nothing but chaff in the wind.

What Is the Government’s Agenda?

USA: Where there is No Democracy that Holds Government Accountable; Only a Brainwashed People who are Chaff in the Wind
It has been public information for a decade that the US government secretly, illegally, and unconstitutionally spies on its citizens. Congress and the federal courts have done nothing about this extreme violation of the US Constitution and statutory law, and the insouciant US public seems unperturbed.

What Is the Government’s Agenda?

USA: Where there is No Democracy that Holds Government Accountable; Only a Brainwashed People who are Chaff in the Wind
It has been public information for a decade that the US government secretly, illegally, and unconstitutionally spies on its citizens. Congress and the federal courts have done nothing about this extreme violation of the US Constitution and statutory law, and the insouciant US public seems unperturbed.

Another Phony Jobs Report From A Government That Lies About Everything

“Washington’s claim that Americans have “freedom and democracy” is the sickest joke in human history.”
June 7, 2013. The payroll jobs report for May released today continues the fantasy.
Goods producing jobs declined, with manufacturing losing another 4,000 jobs, but the New Economy produced 179,000 service jobs.
Are these jobs the high-powered, high-wage “innovation jobs” that economists promised would be our reward from Globalism. I’m afraid not.

Another Phony Jobs Report From A Government That Lies About Everything

“Washington’s claim that Americans have “freedom and democracy” is the sickest joke in human history.”
June 7, 2013. The payroll jobs report for May released today continues the fantasy.
Goods producing jobs declined, with manufacturing losing another 4,000 jobs, but the New Economy produced 179,000 service jobs.
Are these jobs the high-powered, high-wage “innovation jobs” that economists promised would be our reward from Globalism. I’m afraid not.