patriot movement

Hoofprints American Migration One

Hoofprints American Migration One The Ochelli Effect 5-31-2021 Hesher Hoofprints American Migration One A talk with Hesher went for a bit more than an hour. No news is good news, but we touched on it a bit anyway. Crazy Cat Lady gets under Chuck’s skin, and the stress of Corona stuff gets tested. Hesher [...]
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The Past American Century – The Cult Like Aspects Of QAnon And Conspiracy Theories That Lead To Nowhere

In this discussion I talked with Pearse Redmond who runs the Porkins Policy Review podcast about the wild and strange claims of QAnon and the world that those who believe in “Q” live in.
Some have gone so far to turn away from family and friends to worship Q in cult like behavior grasping on to conspiracy theories that lead to nowhere.

Porkins Policy Radio episode 106 Post Charlottesville with Chuck Ochelli

Chuck Ochelli joins me to discuss the aftermath of the violence in Charlottesville and the rise of right wing racist groups. We begin by breaking down the initial protest over the taking down of a statue Robert E Lee. Chuck and I offer up our thoughts not only on America’s new found love of statues from the 1950’s but the make up of this crowd of alt-right protesters. Next Chuck and I explore the racist and racialist history of America and its deep roots in our society. Chuck explains the difference and how racialism has infected most of the population.

The Ochelli Effect – Sibel Edmonds and Pearse Redmond talk Newsbud and more

Sibel and I had the great pleasure of joining the one and only Chuck Ochelli on The Ochelli Effect to discuss Newsbud and the importance of true independent media.  In the first hour it is mainly Sibel talking about Newsbud, the team, and how we will be a different kind of alternative media.  In the second hour Chuck and I dive into the geopolitics of Central Asia, the Finicum shooting, Donald Trump and much more.