Patrick Henningsen

Prof Michel Chossudovsky discusses Hillary Clinton’s foreign policy & emerging nuclear risks

21st Century Wire says…
Amid great mainstream media and Democratic Party fanfare, Hillary Clinton’s candidacy has been based on a claim she is “most experienced” candidate in history, and highlighting her foreign policy record in particular. What would a Clinton foreign policy really look like? 

Why Hillary Clinton is Responsible for US Failures in Libya and Syria

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
“Hillary Clinton is the architect of US foreign policy failures in Libya and Syria.” We’ve heard this statement made a lot over this US election cycle, but exactly how much truth is there to it? After researching this issue, not only is it true, it’s an understatement. She wasn’t just an architect, she was a chief instigator. 

Hillary’s ‘Russian Hack’ Hoax: The Biggest Lie of This Election Season

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
The longer this soap opera drags on, it’s becoming more and more evident that the Russian government did not ‘hack’ into the DNC, and Moscow is not feeding John Podesta’s emails to Wikileaks. For those who are deeply invested in this now official conspiracy theory, this might be a hard pill to swallow. 

Russia-WikiLeaks Conspiracy Theory: “Clinton claim ridiculous, based on lazy US Twitter culture”

21st Century Wire says…
As 21WIRE reported earlier, since this past summer Washington and its media surrogates have been seeding the news cycle with the talking point that Russia was responsible for the DC Leaks and WikiLeaks document dumps, and that Russia is somehow trying to ‘hack’ the US elections. 

US-Saudi Plan: Let 9,000 ISIS Fighters Walk Free from Mosul – to Fight in Syria

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

Judging by both the words, and deeds of the Obama White House and its political ‘diplomatic’ appointees led by perfidious John Kerry and caustic Samantha Power – all evidence to date points to the US wanting to escalate its war on Syria – while happily baiting a military confrontation, and ‘World War‘ scenario with Russia and its allies in the process. 

A NOBEL LIE: CNN’s Claim That ‘White Helmets Center in Damascus’ Was Hit by a Barrel Bomb

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire

Some will have noticed, in the frantic run-up to the announcement of the Nobel Peace Prize on Thursday, CNN and a number of other mainstream corporate outlets ran an incredible story claiming that, “White Helmets group says aid center hit by barrel bomb.”
This headline story ran all day along the bottom of the TV screen in CNN’s news ticker, and claimed that:

CrossTalk: ‘White Helmets, Really?’ with Vanessa Beeley, Eva Bartlett & Patrick Henningsen

21st Century Wire says…
They were tipped for a Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo today, but despite the multi-million dollar PR campaign run 24/7 through US and UK media outlets over the last month, the western-funded ‘NGO’ known as The White Helmets came up short. 
On the eve of the award ceremony in Norway, CrossTalk host Peter Lavelle posed a fundamental question: