Patrick Henningsen

CrossTalk: Fake News with Patrick Henningsen

21st Century Wire asks…
The sensational reporting by US corporate media has almost fallen off the edge of reality in this new divise, post-election partisan media envirnoment. As evidenced by the latest engineered “fake news” crisis, the establishment are desperate to recoup its lost credibility. Not surprisingly, the media are refusing to critque themselves, not aksing the real question America would like to know: who are the real ‘fake news’ culprits?

CrossTalk: Who are the real ‘Fake News’ culprits?

21st Century Wire asks…
The sensational reporting by US corporate media has almost fallen off the edge of reality in this new divise, post-election partisan media envirnoment. As evidenced by the latest engineered “fake news” crisis, the establishment are desperate to recoup its lost credibility. Not surprisingly, the media are refusing to critque themselves, not aksing the real question America would like to know: who are the real ‘fake news’ culprits?

Fidel Castro: Patrick Henningsen discusses his legacy and Cuba’s future path

One of the world’s longest-serving and most iconic leaders, former Cuban president Fidel Castro, died last night at the age of 90.
According to Robert Pastor, former national security adviser to President Jimmy Carter, “There are few individuals in the 20th century who had a more profound impact on a single country than Fidel Castro had in Cuba,” (Source: CNN)

‘Moderate Rebels’ Slaughter Syrian Civilian Protesters Trying to Escape East Aleppo

For the last 6 months, 21st Century Wire, along with many other alternative news outlets, has been reporting how the US Coalition-backed ‘moderate rebels’ (comprised of listed international terrorist groups including al Nusra/al Qaeda) have been using Syrian civilians a human shields in rebel-held areas like East Aleppo. 

Entire MSM-Facebook-Google Going After 21stCenturyWire: Listed at Top!

21stCenturyWire has been identified at the top of a “list” of “fake” news sites as a psy op to create an algorithm for “filtering.” I take that to heart, since I write for 21 Wire. Facebook, Google and other DNC partners have listed numerous right wing sites as well as satire sites – and OURS! as “fake.” Of course, the real reason for this is explained in my video – outlining the absurdity of the most astounding liars on the planet – the MSM – calling us “fake.” Ultimately, this is an attack on all independent media.

Henningsen: ‘US Anti-Trump Protests Similar to Soros Color Revolutions Abroad’

21st Century Wire says…
Organized efforts are underway by Democratic Party affiliated NGO’s to try and somehow delegitimize the results of this week’s US Presidential Election. 
On the eve of the US Election before voters went to the polls, 21WIRE political affairs analyst Patrick Henningsen accurately predicted this week’s unrest when he said: