Patrick Henningsen

UK COLUMN: National Defense Strategy, US Off-Shore Bioweapons, Turkey’s Syria Play

Our latest: reading between the lines on the new US National Defense Strategy, and revealing classified off-shore US bioweapons operations, the Davos deception, and we ask whether or not Turkey’s latest gamble in Syria will produce any results other than more instability.
UK Column co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen with all the top stories internationally. Watch:

An Important Message This New Year

Patrick Henningsen
21st Century Wire
This year began with a moment on brevity.
As I opened my inbox to check my emails on New Year’s morning, I was shocked to find a message from Robert Parry, founder and editor of Consortium News, informing us that he had sustained a stroke and was hospitalized on Christmas Eve. Apparently he’s back at home now, and we hope recovering well.

Mainstream Media Fake News: 21st Century Wire Debates American ‘Liberal’ Academic

This past week saw one of the most colorful debates regarding the CNN and US mainstream media meltdown over the Russia-gate conspiracy.
CrossTalk says: “Trust in the mainstream media is at an all-time low. But no one should be surprised and the media has itself to blame. This sad state of affairs is a self-inflicted wound and actually a conscious business model. The media no longer has an interest in reporting news – media today propagates ideology.”

UK COLUMN: EU Military Unification Out of the Closet, Truth Serum Administered to Boris

According EU technocrat Federica Mogherini, today was a “historic” day for a Unified EU Military. Yes, you heard that right. Also, a few doses of sodium pentothal seem to have sorted our Boris Johnson, temporarily. All this and more.
UK Column co-anchor Mike Robinson is joined by guest host Patrick Henningsen from 21WIRE, covering the top stories internationally. Watch: