Patrick Henningsen

U.S. Lied About ‘Intelligence’ Which Blamed Iraqi PMUs for Attack on US Base, Leading to War with Iran

Back on December 27, 2019, the Trump Administration claimed it had ‘intelligence’ that the attack on its “K1” joint base in Iraq which killed a US contractor – was carried out by supposed “Iranian militias” (in reality, these would have been Iraqi PMUs) on the orders of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.

BERNIE vs BUTTIGIEG: Iowa Caucus Disaster Reveals Democrats’ Elite Digital Mafia

The Democrats really had a rough week. Trump’s impeachment acquittal rocked Capitol Hill, but the real blow to the Democratic Establishment came during the Iowa Caucuses primary contest – which quickly descended into electoral chaos after the party’s dodgy digital election App failed to record votes – part of a series of incidents which allowed centrist Pete Buttigieg to come from behind to challenge front-runner Bernie Sanders.

EXPLAINED: Trump & Kushner’s ‘Deal of the Century’ for Palestine-Israel

In this video, we look at ‘Trump & Sons’ supposed landmark ‘Deal of the Century’ for Israel and Palestine. On closer inspection it’s already an unmitigated political disaster for the White House, and not much better for Tel Aviv either. For the Palestinians and their supporters around the world, it’s completely unacceptable.

21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen joins UK Column’s Mike Robinson to deconstruct Washington’s latest failed endeavor. Watch:

INTERVIEW: Mohammad Marandi on America’s Miscalculation with Iran

On January 8, 2020, Iran responded to the United States by launching a missile strike which hit two US military bases in Anbar and Erbil in Iraq. The Iraqi Parliament also decided that US troops must leave their country. Still, the Trump administration insists on staying, and that Iran should return to the JCPOA negotiation table. Will Washington’s gambit work, or has it finally cashed-in its last imperialist chips?