Patrick Henningsen

UKC News: Government Doubles Down on COVID-19 Lockdown, Pushing Vaccine Solution

As the UK enters its fourth week of ‘lockdown’ and with the crisis having already peaked, the government remains noncommittal  and hesitant to give the pubic any indication when draconian quarantine measures will finally be lifted. However, upon closer examination of the data and the actual science, there appears to be another deeper agenda at play, as multiple political leaders across the lockdown states are now simultaneously calling for a mandatory ‘pharmaceutical solution’ to crisis.

UKC News: Indefinite Lockdown? COVID-19 Special Edition

Week three of the UK’s lockdown and the Government cannot decide what to do. Will they maintain keeping the country locked in their homes to ‘battle the coronavirus’, or will they lift the draconian measures and face an inevitable public response from the economic and societal fallout? In this special edition of UKC News, we completely dismantle the West’s ‘lockdown’ narrative and show beyond any reasonable doubt why it was never needed in the first place.


On July 17, 2014, Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 was shot down over eastern Ukraine’s Donbass region, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew. What followed has been a geopolitical battle between the US and NATO bloc (including Ukraine) on one side, and Russia on the other, which each side asserting that the other is responsible for the disaster.

Trump, Boris, Harry Dunn Tragedy, Huawei & 5G

The recent phone row between Trump and Boris Johnson has brought up two very contentious issues – the US refusing to extradite CIA wife Ann Sacoolas for killing British teenager Harry Dunn whilst driving on the wrong side of the road, and Boris defying Trump and US hawks by allowing China firm Huawei to provide telecoms equipment for the UK’s 5G roll-out. Are these deal breakers for the US and Britain’s legendary ‘special relationship’? What does all this have to do with the Five Eyes intelligence sharing alliance?

VIDEO: Why Turkey’s Position in Syria is Increasingly Problematic

Once again, Turkey has upped the war rhetoric – this time threatening the Syrian military directly, and  Russia by extension. As Damascus continues its advances toward liberating terrorist-occupied Idlib province, Turkey’s President Erdogan’s game of geopolitical backgammon in Syria will become increasingly problematic, not only for Turkey, but for the US as well. 
21WIRE editor Patrick Henningsen spoke to RT News International about the increasingly risky situation that is presently unfolding in northern Syria. Watch: