pathology of the wealthy

The Privatized Internet — Entire .ORG Domain Registry Sold to Investment Equity Firm "Ethos Capital"; Registration Fee Restrictions Removed

Cover of a 2015 book glorifying the privatization of the Internet via "a unique and vibrant interplay between government and private industry." Nothing dollarable is Thomas NeuburgerThe love of money is a sickness with these people.—Attributed to an Indian chief as he watched the Europeans move west.Nothing dollarable is safe.—John Muir, 1908Buried

Paul Krugman Probably Doesn’t Realize He Just Summarized What Joe Biden Has On Offer

On Saturday Paul Krugman wrote in his NY Times column that this week he will be “participating in an Economic Policy Institute conference on ‘excessive wealth disorder’— the problems and dangers created by extreme concentration of income and wealth at the top.” Notes On Excessive Wealth Disorder— How Not To Repeat The Mistakes Of 2011 deals not so much with t

How Much Will It Cost to Address Climate Change? Pennies Compared to the Alternative

Economic growth and global warming, Figure 1 from a paper studying "Global non­linear effect of temperature on economic production" (link below). "Non-linear" in this case means "at what warming point do economies tend to 'fall off a cliff'"? It's not the same point for all economies, but the non-linearity is obvious. (For conversion in charts a, b, and c, 20°C = 68°F, and 30°C = 86°F.