Pat Buchanan

Pat Buchanan: “Will the Deep State Break Trump?”

“It is becoming more obvious with each passing day that the men and the movement that broke Lyndon Johnson’s authority in 1968 are out to break Richard Nixon,” wrote David Broder on Oct. 8, 1969.
“The likelihood is great that they will succeed again.”
The Trump White House is acting as it it were under siege, the target of a Deep State coup, “and it is not wrong to think so.”
Patrick J. Buchanan asks, “will the Deep State break Trump?

Erdogan takes on US border forces in Syria: “We will destroy all terror nests, one by one”

This was predictable. The Duran has been stating now for over a year that Turkey’s Erdogan would never allow the Kurds to set up any sort of state, quasi-state, or (as Rex Tillerson outlined last week) a “Border Security Force” made up of Kurdish fighters.
The a Kurdish presence south of Turkey is a threat to Turkey’s very existence as a nation state. Erdogan will have no choice but to crush America’s BSF forces.
The question on Pat Buchanan’s mind is what will the US reaction be?