partisan realignment

Partisan Realignment-- Is The Working Class Up For Grabs?

 Cheri Bustos-- Worst DCCC Chair since her mentor Rahm by Nancy Ohanian Blue Dog/New Dem Cheri Bustos, DCCC chair, who represents a northwest Illinois congressional district gerrymandered by the Democratic Party-controlled state legislature to elect Democrats, finally eked out a victory on Friday morning. She beat little-known Republican Esther Joy King 153, 947 (51.9%) to 142,621 (48.1%). Bustos spent $4,573,839 to King's $1,634,304.

Which Party Is Going To Have to Rebuild After The Trump Debacle?

Cone Of Shame by Nancy OhanianIf someone was to start an essay with "I was a Republican for most of my adult life," there's a good chance I would stop reading. How much of a moron or bigot would someone have to be to have been a Republican for most of their adult life? I wasn't even an adult when I figured out that even a horribly flawed Democratic Party in practice wasn't as bad as the Republican Party in aspiration (and practice).

The Self-Destruction Of The Republican Party, Puts The Democrats At A Crossroad

The least racist person anywhere by Nancy OhanianLast May Trump performed at one of his hate rallies in one of the most vile neo-fascist areas of America, the Florida Panhandle (AKA, "Little Alabama"). He was stoking hatred and bigotry is a place he had no need to be. Panama City Beach is east of Panama City-- in Bay County-- drawing residents from Florida's first and second congressional districts.

The Trumpanzee Doesn't Deserve Any Working Class Votes-- But Do The Clintonians Really Even Care?

My interest in the post-Bernie presidential election season is tempered by my dislike of both candidates left standing. Trump as a human being isn't even worth considering and Hillary is too much of a classic Republican to ever be my cup a tea. What does keep me interested however, is the fundamental partisan realignment that is ripping apart FDR's New Deal coalition.

Why Are Working Class Americans Dumping The Party Of FDR For The Party Of The Trumpanzee?

The two top contenders for the Democratic nomination for Florida's Senate seat are congressmen Patrick Murphy and Alan Grayson. They don't have much else in common. Murphy is the handpicked dull-minded candidate of the party establishment, chosen specifically to assuage Wall Street banksters demanding Schumer balance out Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Sherrod Brown.

Monied Elite Realignment Into Single Party 
Excluding Economic Populists & 
Ethnic & Religious Tribalists

-by emorej a Hong KongThe current Presidential campaign has evolved much further, towards a potential major ‘realignment moment’, than is widely appreciated. Much of the Hillary-supporting drumbeat of pressure on Bernie includes realignment concerns in its undisclosed agenda. The end game remains unpredictable-- even without any Hillary-damaging ‘wild cards’ popping up directly or indirectly from the FBI or the Panama Papers.