
Venezuelan Military Finds US Army Uniforms In Paramilitary Border Camp

A guest instructor debriefs Latin American students from the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (formerly known as the School of the Americas) after a field training exercise. (U.S. Navy photo)
Venezuela’s Bolivarian National Armed Forces, FANB, dismantled a right-wing paramilitary camp near the Colombian border Tuesday, discovering U.S. army uniforms, among others.

Massive Corporations From Chiquita To Coca-Cola Used Personal Armies To Uproot, Terrorize Colombians

Coca-Cola has been linked to paramilitary groups and human rights abuses in Colombia. The company has faced multiple lawsuits over attacks on union organizers. (Scott Sady/AP – File)
AUSTIN, Texas — On Thursday, Colombia’s Congress ratified a new peace accord that could end decades of civil war and weaken the ability of foreign corporations to turn a profit on unrest in the South American country.