Paper Tiger

On Point with Charlie McGrath- “European Powder Keg”

Charlie McGrath Presents Eric Lovely- Part II
Charlie brings back Eric Lovely to finish his discussion on the future of the western backed conflict inside Ukraine. According to the Sovereign Thinkers Association a hot war between Russia and the puppet government in Kiev is unavoidable. Charlie and Eric break down how this will unfold.

*Eric Lovely is a radio host and founding member of the freedom based think tank Sovereign Thinkers Association
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On Point with Charlie McGrath- “Is Ukraine Exposing The Paper Tiger?”

Charlie McGrath Presents Eric Lovely
Ukraine violence is on the increase. Kiev is dealing with new protests. Russia is massing troops on its western border with Ukraine and the entire time western media would have us believe the US and Europe are united in the stand against Russia. Actions behind the scenes points to a different fact all together.

*Eric Lovely is a radio host and founding member of the freedom based think tank Sovereign Thinkers Association
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