
The left’s contempt for bodily autonomy during the pandemic is a gift to the right

When did parts of the left get so contemptuous of the principle of “bodily autonomy”? Answer: Just about the time they started fetishising vaccines as the only route out of the current pandemic. Only two years ago most people understood “bodily autonomy” to be a fundamental, unquestionable human right. Now it is being treated as […]

That Old Green Stamps Book’s Back in Style, Digital Form

The amount of amnesia, and outright smoke and mirrors and juking the people, for and by and with the corporation at the helm, it is almost a death sentence trying to be a creative writer — a bloody novelist, no less — in this world of mass hysteria, a thinner door creaked open for legit […]
The post That Old Green Stamps Book’s Back in Style, Digital Form first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Back at Ground-Truthing Again and Again and Again

Time and time again, the left sites just keep pushing all those international stories, all those stories tied to this or that political party head, and while China is important, and while we know the dirty deeds of Blinken to Pompeo, all the way back, we still miss out on the common people, us, the […]
The post Back at Ground-Truthing Again and Again and Again first appeared on Dissident Voice.

New Report Exposes the US’ Brutal and Illegal Economic War

NOTE: In April of this year, my family had a medical emergency that required most of my time and attention. The result is that I am now the sole legal and physical guardian of two young children with significant needs. I hope to return to writing a regular newsletter now that they are in school. […]
The post New Report Exposes the US’ Brutal and Illegal Economic War first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Taking a Look Around in The Home of the Brave™

These days, things appear to be happening at an accelerated pace. It can be challenging to keep up as a writer. Meanwhile, some events are interesting but may not warrant a full article of their own. Therefore, I will occasionally compile a few stories into one piece… starting with these three right here: If you’ve […]
The post Taking a Look Around in The Home of the Brave™ first appeared on Dissident Voice.

Silicon Valley, New Zealand and Pandemic Exceptionalism

There are some crises that never touch the well-heeled.  Money, like flab, insulates them from bruising.  The generally applied laws of a state can be treated as meaningless jottings; the citizenry ignored with class contempt.  But few can blame the world’s sixth wealthiest person, Larry Page, for circumstances that were gifted to him.  An opportunity […]

We Are Many:  the Oppressors are not

I remember chatting with a man from Iraq in 2016.  He was driving a taxi in Germany.  I wrote about him in one of my essays:1 “Last month, I was chatting with an Iraqi taxi driver in Berlin. My 12 year old son and I took a cab from the Museum for Contemporary Art to our […]
The post We Are Many:  the Oppressors are not first appeared on Dissident Voice.

U.S. Politicizing Covid Pandemic to Incriminate China Is Self-Defeating

The United States is losing the ability for rational political debate and respect for science. Politicians, media and public discourse have been infected by lies, conspiracies, racial stereotyping of nations like China, and rampant hostility. The World Health Organization seems to have succumbed to U.S. pressure to falsely incriminate China over the Covid-19 global pandemic. […]

The CDC revokes PCR testing. What does that say about the Covid count?

Please allow me to introduce a brief recap before I get to the latest news. I’ve already told you how and why the Covid rules make no sense and should not be trusted. Click here to read more. I also explained how Covid deaths are counted using vague criteria like “may have been caused by” […]
The post The CDC revokes PCR testing. What does that say about the Covid count? first appeared on Dissident Voice.