
Bethlehem University gets a new state-of-the-art library…..Israeli troops shelled the old one

Those in the West who hesitate to boycott Israeli universities and academic institutions for fear of being accused of de-legitimizing Israel, need only remember this. The Israelis have no respect for other people’s right to education and, in the Palestinians’ case, do everything to obstruct it. They have de-legitimized themselves.


REVIEW: Lia Tarachansky’s documentary, On the Side of the Road

 Lia  Tarachansky presents the Nakba from the unusual viewpoint of its perpetrators and the ‘inheritors’ of its stolen booty- the land of Palestine. The protagonists are Tarachansky, who, herself, is an ex-settler from Israel’s largest illegal colony, Ariel,  Eitan Bronstein founder of Zochrot and Palmach veterans, Tivka Honig-Parnass and Amnon Noiman. Amnon’s struggle to come out of the torture chamber of silent guilt is vivid and (grudgingly) brave.




Is Palestine ‘solidarity’ going soft?

 The EU policy of maintaining close relations with Israel as a supposed means of persuading it to end its violations of human rights and international law, and negotiate in good faith, has clearly failed.


by Stuart Littlewood

In the run-up to the EU elections the UK’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) emailed supporters urging them to use a specially worded form for MEP candidates to fill in. It included these two questions…

Israel’s Water Genocide

 The Israeli government uses such denial of water to trigger people displacement, particularly in areas slated for colonial expansion, especially since these communities are mostly farmers, who depend on water for their livelihoods. Cutting off Palestinian communities from their water resources usually precedes dispossession of land for new colonial projects.


Zionist Canada bows to the holocaust religion

Harper and his lackeys in Parliament have incessantly praised the apartheid state of Israel (a nation birthed through ethnic cleansing and mass terror) and have vehemently denounced those who challenge or criticize Israeli imperialism and state-terrorism.


By Brandon Martinez

Officials of the Harper regime recently announced the construction of a new “holocaust” monument in Ottawa set to be completed in the fall of 2015.

Israeli Apartheid Identity Card System

Since 1967, the Israeli Apartheid  government has been the DE-FACTO SOVEREIGN POWER in control of the whole of historic Palestine, incluiding Gaza, The west Bank and Israel.
Israeli authorities control the population registry and ID system , restricting whre Palestinians can live, their access to services and their participation in the political system.