Palestinian prisoners

Former American officials accuse Israel of breaching international law .

(MEMO) – For the first time, six former senior American officials issued a statement candidly accusing Israel of breaching international law and undermining peace talks.
The statement came after a speech by the US secretary of state in Congress, in which he blamed Israel for delaying and meddling with negotiations because of its retreat from the release of the fourth batch of veteran Palestinian prisoners.

Israel is unprincipled entity!

I remember standing outside the White House lawn on March 26 1979, protesting the signing of Camp David accord between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and the ex-wanted British terrorist turned Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.  An Egyptian speaker addressed his president across the street “If You Feel No Shame Then Do As You Wish.”
Today, the “feel no shame” Israeli leaders are able to do” as they wish” with unparalleled brazen impunity.

More threats from Palestine’s nasty neigbour

Israel to extract a heavy price if Palestinians join UN bodies, says minister
 by Stuart Littlewood
US-brokered negotiations with Israel, which started on 29 July 2013 and were to last nine months, are nearing their ignominious end. And Israel, the serial defaulter that it is, has reneged on the agreed release of 104 pre-Oslo prisoners in exchange for Palestine’s postponing joining international organizations to help achieve their long-overdue freedom.

On Reading Morani Kornberg-W​eiss’ “Dear Darwish”

Vacy Vlazna
Dear Morani


“We who are born here on this divine land, we who are dedicated to the message of peace and freedom and the defense of human values, and of the strength of the olive tree…we declare our presence as a wound crying in the depths of time and space in spite of the tempests which try to rend our roots from the very earth to which we gave our name.” Mahmoud Darwish at the 50th anniversary of the Nakba*