Palestinian authority

Israeli Government and Press Knew Teenagers Were Dead for Weeks

TRNN Middle East Correspondent Lia Tarachansky says Palestinian anger towards the Palestinian Authority has reached unprecedented levels, and that the Israeli government is now trying to instigate a third intifada in order to legitimize military actions in the West Bank and Gaza

ANTON WORONCZUK, TRNN PRODUCER: Welcome to The Real News Network. I’m Anton Woronczuk in Baltimore.

The glue that holds us all together

Abandoned for 66 years by the international community to Israeli war crimes, Palestine needs friends.  Palestine, don’t despair. You are not alone, you have friends around the world: people, strangers, you may never meet, but who, like you have families, jobs, and who share the Palestinian dream of freedom and justice to which they are quietly and actively dedicated.



Is Palestine ‘solidarity’ going soft?

 The EU policy of maintaining close relations with Israel as a supposed means of persuading it to end its violations of human rights and international law, and negotiate in good faith, has clearly failed.


by Stuart Littlewood

In the run-up to the EU elections the UK’s Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) emailed supporters urging them to use a specially worded form for MEP candidates to fill in. It included these two questions…

Israel’s Water Genocide

 The Israeli government uses such denial of water to trigger people displacement, particularly in areas slated for colonial expansion, especially since these communities are mostly farmers, who depend on water for their livelihoods. Cutting off Palestinian communities from their water resources usually precedes dispossession of land for new colonial projects.


“Unhelpful” to blame anyone for peace talks breakdown

…. says British government. Support Kerry and return to pointless negotiations.

by Stuart Littlewood

(London) – Britain’s Foreign Office, presided over by William Hague, has come up with the most fatuous response so far to the collapse of the latest peace talks stage-managed, as always, by Israel’s partner in crime, America. Here it is……..
Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Double standards for citizens of Israel

The arrest of a journalist and several political activists in Israel over the past few weeks has provoked a troubling debate: are laws applied differently depending on whether a citizen is Jewish or not? Particularly controversial was the arrest last month of Majd Kayyal, a journalist from Israel’s Palestinian minority who was seized on his return from Lebanon and interrogated for five days without access to lawyers.