Palestinian authority

Obama takes hypocrisy to new high levels

An informed visitor from another planet who listened to Obama would scratch his head and say, “Has the president not heard about the occupied and oppressed Palestinians and their long struggle for freedom, justice and dignity?”

by Alan Hart

In laying out his plans to degrade and ultimately destroy ISIS, President Obama said this: 

Israel’s Real Target is Not Hamas

 In sum, despite its current ability to rip thousands of Palestinians to shreds on the flimsiest of pretexts, all is not well for Israel. Even their short term goals have not been met in this latest attack. Despite everything, the unity government has not broken, and Fatah and Hamas are currently presenting a united front in the ceasefire negotiations.


Hashtag Genocide: Why Gaza Fought Back

My old family house in the Nuseirat refugee camp in Gaza was recently rebuilt by its new owner, into a beautiful three-story building with large windows adorned by red frames. In Israel’s most recent and deadliest war on Gaza, the house sustained significant damage. A large hole caused by Israeli missiles can be seen from afar, in a part of the house where our kitchen once stood.

A Global Legal Intifada

What’s plainly not needed is that various states take the carnage in Gaza to simply make pronouncements denouncing Israel and the United States for political gain without invoking the legal remedies that are available to them to potentially protect Palestinians in Gaza. Of course, such a course will likely mean serious retribution of some sort from Israel and likely the United States.


Israel’s atrocity and the West’s ignorance…

Israel appears to have “planned” a war to divert international attention from the fact that it was to blame for a failure of futile peace talks and to undermine the newly formed Palestinian unity government. 

Jamal Kanj
Seeing “free” Western media with headlines like “Rockets raining over Israel”, or describing the success of Israel’s Iron Dome defence system in intercepting missiles from Gaza, you would assume there was a war between equals – or even that “poor Israel” was under attack.