Palestinian authority

After Gaza: Europe scrambles to end its complicity

Image: Winter has arrived in Gaza

This growth of the BDS movement is starting to turn the tide against Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid, even among decision makers. Israel may soon be facing its South Africa moment.


by Omar Barghouti

The international surge in condemnation of Israel’s treatment of Palestine, and Gaza in particular, underlines the growing impact of BDS

Negotiations to end all peace…

Image: Construction workers work at the site of a new housing unit in the Settlement of Pisgat Ze’ev. Israeli municipal authorities have issued building permits for 558 Jewish settler apartments in war-won east Jerusalem.(Image Credit:

 Just days after American, Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli leaders met in Jordan to reduce current tension in Jerusalem, Israel issued new permits to build more Jewish-only homes and Avigdor Lieberman, Israeli foreign minister declared


Is this Palestine’s last chance?

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas after addressing the 69th Session of the UN General Assembly in New York, September 26, 2014. (photo credit: AFP/Timothy A. Clary)

The way is clear for Abbas to pursue a solution based on justice instead of engaging yet again in a lopsided political fudge concocted by some of the most dishonest fixers on the planet masquerading as ‘peace brokers’.



Is this not the ultimate betrayal?

My compatriots, Mr. Abbas has just withdrawn the dagger from deep in the heart of Palestine and placed it firmly unsheathed and ready to cross the jugular. Please don’t allow him to administer the final and fatal cut to our hopes and aspirations.

The taste of betrayal is most bitter because it never comes from your enemies.


Treason: The betraying of one’s country… Oxford English Dictionary

Donors will fail Gaza again

Israel has never renounced violence. It repeatedly wages war and unleashes its instruments of state terrorism against the Palestinians under occupation. It has flagrantly and repeatedly violated every agreement signed with the PLO. It has not even reciprocated the PLO’s recognition of Israel, nor has it officially acknowledged the Palestinians’ right to establish a Palestinian state.