
Gaza and the Psychopathic Blaming the Victim

Recent developments in Gaza have been appalling in their own right, but the attitude of the “International Community” is beyond words. Continuing a long battle against the untiring defence of Israel by my local MP I wrote him just a few words: “What do you think of your psychopathic friends now, Grant?” I probably imagined in the moment that the[Read More...]

Israeli Settler Colonialism and Occupation Fact Sheet

Israeli Settler-Colonialism “For eight years now, they sit in their refugee camps in Gaza, and before their eyes we turn into our homestead the land and villages in which they and their forefathers have lived.” “We are a generation of settlers, and without the steel helmet and gun barrel, we shall not be able to plant a tree or build[Read More...]

Draft Dodger in Chief Dodges “Historic” Opening of US Embassy, Jerusalem

It was NBC’s Cal Parry who summed up the obscenity of Donald Trump’s ignorant and igniting decision to move the US Embassy to West Jerusalem, then to celebrate the inauguration on Monday, 14th May: “Well dressed American and Israeli officials on one side of the screen: desperation, death and fires on the other.”

Porkins Policy Radio episode 142 Aaron Franz on sea slug memories

Aaron Franz of joins us for the first hour. We begin by talking about Aaron’s new live version of Trans Resister Radio and Uncle the podcast. Aaron and I then discuss the topic of the imagined dividing line between the real and the fantastic, the objective and the subjective. We talk about how reality and fantasy have begun to blur increasingly over the past several years. Using Elon Musk as an example we discuss how Musk’s increasingly bizarre pronouncements illustrate this concept.

Hamas: What You’re Not Being Told About Israel’s Arch Enemy

(ANTIMEDIA) — Amid the latest eruption of violence in Gaza this week, Israel backers are asserting that the Jewish state has the right to defend itself from the terror group Hamas, which has claimed a role in Palestinian protests at the border. The protests have seen roughly 60 killed and as many as 2,700 injured, and while […]

NYT Bosses Are Last Humans on Earth Who Believe US Neutral in Israel-Palestine Conflict

(FAIR) — The fact that the United States favors Israel in its decades-long “conflict” with the Palestinians is not a subjective or abstract question; it’s a well-established empirical fact. The US gives over $3 billion a year in military aid to Israel (more than the US spends on aid for the last seven countries it’s bombed combined), and defends it […]

Trump’s Latest Stunt or Bibi’s Revenge: Regime Change in Tehran vs the Coming of Armageddon

Dr Can Erimtan
21st Century Wire
Many voices are nowadays claiming that the End of the American Empire is finally upon us, and President Donald J. Trump seems at pains to perform U-turns and other unexpected stunts that do appear to put the global community in peril, posing a dire threat to economic stability and political rectitude.

Mishaal: Gaza protesters seek to send three messages to the world

Palestine Information Center – May 16, 2018 Former head of Hamas’s political bureau Khaled Mishaal has affirmed that the resistance factions are not behind the protest rallies taking place on the Gaza border but rather an unarmed people seeking to send three messages to the world. “These messages are: ‘I want to return to my […]

Kill and Kill and Kill

By Saree Makdisi | CounterPunch | May 16, 2018 Two spectacles unfolded in Palestine on Monday. In Gaza, Israeli army snipers shot and killed 58 Palestinians—including six children—and injured almost three thousand others amid scenes of smoke, fire, teargas, dust, agony and blood. At exactly the same time, to the tinkling of champagne glasses at […]