
An Israeli Addresses Iranian Students and Revolutionary Guard Cadets

YAZD, IRAN — As I looked at the two hundred or so young cadets sitting on the floor of the prayer hall, all I could think of were my two boys, Eitan and Doron, who are about the same age as they. The previous day I visited the families of Iranian martyrs, boys who fell during the protracted war between Iran and Iraq. And while giving one’s life in the service of one’s country is often seen as a great honor, I do not share that feeling at all.

Outrage Over Israel’s Killing of Nurse in Gaza as Death Toll Surpasses 120

On the same day the U.S. vetoed a resolution at the U.N Security Council demanding an end to Israel’s practice of firing on unarmed demonstrators in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and the Gaza strip, outrage was again heightened after a nurse attempting to attend to injured protesters was shot and killed by IDF snipers near the Gaza border.

Flotilla Challenging Israel’s Blockade Continues Towards Gaza

We are possibly a more motley crew than the passengers aboard the S.S.Minnow in the old U.S. TV series Gilligan’s Island: Among those who have joined us on one or more legs of the journey to Gaza as part of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition (FFC) are activists hailing from Spain, Israel, Norway, Malaysia, Canada (First Nations), Denmark and the United States.

Pro-Israeli Groups Weaponize Jewish Cultural Initiatives to Amplify Their Anti-Palestinianism

By Yves Engler | Dissident Voice | June 3, 2018 Should “Jewish Heritage Month” be used as a cover for Israeli nationalism and to suppress Palestinian protest? A recent incident at a Toronto high school demonstrates the depravity of the pro-Israel lobby. It also illustrates their use of Canadian cultural and “diversity” initiatives to promote […]

21 Year Old Paramedic Razan Al-Najjar Killed In Gaza

Israeli elites failed in their support of terrorists in Syria and were unable to bring down a resurgent Iran (just look at rising science citation index for Iran and compare it to Arab countries!). This failure was o be compensated with by massacres in Gaza: murdering 125 protestors at the borders; injuring thousands; testing new weapons on a captive poipulation;[Read More...]

Under Trump, the Israel Lobby is a Hydra with Many Heads

The Trump administration’s recent steps in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict should surely lay to rest any doubts about the enormous, and dangerous, power of the Israel lobby in Washington.
Under Trump, the lobby has shown it can wield unprecedented influence – even by its usual standards – in flagrant disregard for all apparent US interests.

UNSC resolution on Israeli violence vetoed by US

A resolution was submitted for a vote to the United Nations Security Council by Kuwait condemning the use of violence by Israeli forces on Palestinian civilians, but was vetoed by the US, who considered it to be ‘one sided’. Since the ‘Great March of Return’ began, hundreds of Palestinians have been killed and thousands injured by Israeli forces. So far, there have been no Israeli casualties.
Deutsche Welle reports:

Al Quds Day: Supporting Palestinians against Israeli oppression

PressTVUK | June 1, 2018 Ramadan is an opportunity to show solidarity with the Palestinian cause. Annual Al Quds marches will take place around the world next week, renewing a commitment to resistance against Israeli crimes. See also: Gaza Palestinians call for supporters around the world to mobilize in solidarity, and plan for mass protests […]