
Lies and Double Standards: Jared Kushner’s Twisted Views on Palestine

(MEE Op-ed) — On 24 June, Jared Kushner, US President Donald Trump’s son in law and his point person on US Middle East relations, gave an interview to the London-based Al Quds Al Arabi website. After reading the interview it is difficult to escape a further sense of hopelessness about the prospect of a fair deal between the Israelis […]

How Washington’s Spinelessness Enables Israel’s Brutality

I have just spent a couple of days in New York City. Returning to Virginia on Wednesday morning, I had a somewhat strange experience. I cleared through my emails before leaving the hotel and also read through a number of the featured news articles. One, in particular, caught my eye. It described how the Democratic Party primary in Queens New York had returned a startling result.

History and Biblical Scholarship: Al-Quds Is Not Jerusalem

By Dr. Elias Akleh | Global Research | July 3, 2018 The Zionist Israeli state calls on the Old Testament/Torah as a historical document to prove its legality to “re-claim” Palestine; their god’s promised land. To assert this legality and the myth of the promised land Zionist Organization, since its establishment, had recruited the science […]

Feeding the Monster

Washington’s spinelessness enables Israeli brutality By Philip Giraldi • Unz Review • July 3, 2018 I have just spent a couple of days in New York City. Returning to Virginia on Wednesday morning, I had a somewhat strange experience. I cleared through my emails before leaving the hotel and also read through a number of […]

Kushner’s “Ultimate Deal” Would Strip Palestinians of Their Human Dignity

Is there no humiliation left for the Palestinians? After Oslo, after the “two state solution”, after the years of Israeli occupation – of “Area A” and “Area C” to define which kind of occupation the Palestinians must live under – after the vast Jewish colonisation of land thieved from its Arab owners, after the mass killings of Gaza, and Trump’s decision that Jerusalem, all of Jerusalem, must be the capital of Israel, are the Palestinians going to be asked to settle for cash and a miserable village? Is there no shame left?

Poll: Majority of Israeli Jews Believe in a Military Solution With Palestine

As many as 65 percent of Israeli Jews surveyed in a new poll said they believe that Israel must “win a decisive victory in military confrontations with the Palestinians” in order to end the conflict.
The poll conducted by the Israel Victory Plan comes as senior Israeli security officials have reiterated that Israel is at a crossroads with the Gaza Strip, where the issue of “resolution” has returned to the agenda.
According to the poll results, 77 percent of the respondents agreed that in the next round of fighting with Hamas or Hezbollah, the army should win.

Al-Quds is not Jerusalem

The Zionist Israeli state calls on the Old Testament/Torah as a historical document to prove its legality to “re-claim” Palestine; their god’s promised land. To assert this legality and the myth of the promised land Zionist Organization, since its establishment, had recruited the science of archaeology, employing western Christian biblical archaeologists, to provide the required “historic” proof of the right[Read More...]