
De-Arabizing Jerusalem: Biblical “History” Underwrites Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing

JERUSALEM, PALESTINE — It is 2:30 p.m. on a weekday in Jerusalem’s Old City, and one would expect the stores and restaurants to be open and busy. Standing near one of the first stations along the Via Dolorosa, the final path Jesus took as he carried his cross to his own crucifixion,  I was looking around me and Abu-Shkri restaurant was closing, as were some of the t-shirt and souvenir stores. I turned to one of the shopkeepers and asked him why they were closing so early. “No business,” he replied.

UN Chief Suggests Deploying Armed Forces to Protect Palestinians from Israel

The protection of Palestinian civilians could be improved by the deployment of UN-mandated armed forces or unarmed observers, a beefed-up UN civilian presence or expanded UN assistance, Secretary-General Antonio Guterres wrote in a report on Friday.
The United Nations General Assembly requested the report in a resolution adopted in June that condemned Israel for excessive force against Palestinian civilians and denounced the firing of rockets from Gaza into Israeli civilian areas.

Imprisoned Palestinian journalist reiterates call for solidarity

Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network | August 19, 2018 Imprisoned Palestinian journalist and director of Al-Quds TV Alaa Rimawi said on Sunday, 19 August that the arrests carried out by Israeli occupation forces against Palestinian media and journalists are part of a comprehensive attack on Palestinian media, preventing it from doing its work and minimizing its […]

Corbyn’s Labour Party is Being Made to Fail: by Design

By Jonathan Cook | Dissident Voice | August 17, 2018 The Labour party, relentlessly battered by an organised campaign of smears of its leader, Jeremy Corbyn – first for being anti-semitic, and now for honouring Palestinian terrorists – is reportedly about to adopt the four additional working “examples” of anti-semitism drafted by the International Holocaust […]

The UK’s Prime Minister-in-Waiting Must Zap the Circling Sharks

Nice-guy Jeremy Corbyn needs to get mean By Stuart Littlewood | American Herald Tribune | August 17, 2018 “Don’t argue, do as we say!” Confronted with that attitude many of us would simply slam the door. Like me, you’re probably sick to death with the unedifying spectacle of Britain’s Labour Party being bullied by the […]

UN Chief Calls for Supporting Efforts to Avoid Escalation in Gaza

The Secretary-General António Guterres called on Thursday on “all parties” to support the efforts being exerted to avoid a new escalation in the Gaza Strip, a statement a copy of which sent to MEMO said.
“The Secretary-General calls on all parties to support the efforts of UN Special Coordinator Nickolay Mladenov and Egypt to avoid an escalation and address all humanitarian issues in Gaza and the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza.”

Israel’s “Loyal” Druze move into Open Revolt

Druze army general leads protests to overturn nation-state law that makes explicit the privileged status of Jewish majority By Jonathan Cook | Dissident Voice | August 15, 2018 Israel’s small Druze community, long seen as “loyal” to the state, is on a collision course with the right-wing government of Benjamin Netanyahu over a new law […]