
Labour Self-destructs under “Anti-Semitism” Allegations

The ‘anti-Semitism’ rumpus engulfing Jeremy Corbyn and tearing the Labour Party apart comes at the very moment when the country needs an alert and dynamic Opposition to Theresa May’s shambolic administration.  The campaign, so obviously orchestrated by powerful pro-Israel interest groups to bring down Corbyn, threatens to derail all prospect of worthwhile change at the next election, which could be called anytime given the chaos over Brexit. This would be a calamity not just for Labour but the whole country.

Elizabeth Warren’s Anti Corruption Specificity Evaporates When Foreign Policy is Raised

By Sam Husseini | August 22, 2018 On Tuesday, Sen. Elizabeth Warren addressed the National Press Club, outlining with great specificity a host of proposals on issues including eliminating financial conflicts, close the revolving door between business and government and, perhaps most notably, reforming corporate structures. Warren gave a blistering attack on corporate power run […]

Gaza without Cancer Medicine as Haley Blames Arabs for Washington’s Sins

On Sunday August 12, news from Gaza was distressing: The Ministry of Health announced that it would no longer be able to treat cancer patients in the Israel-besieged Strip. “Colon and lung cancer, as well as lymphoma patients cannot be provided with the necessary therapy now,” said Dr. Mohammed Abu Silmiya, director of Abdulaziz Al-Rantisi Hospital for Children. Israel is ultimately[Read More...]

Israel Sentences Ahed Tamimi’s Brother to 14 Months in Prison for Throwing Rocks

Waed Tamimi’s family believes his sentencing less than a month after his sister’s release is a deliberate attempt to pressure them. (MEE) — Waed Tamimi, the brother of recently released Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi, was sentenced to more than a year in prison for stone-throwing, the Israeli army announced on Tuesday. Ahed attracted global attention when a […]

Trump: Israel’s Prime Minister “Will Be Called Mohammed” Soon

(MEMO) — US President Donald Trump has said that Israel’s Prime Minister “in a few years will be called Mohammed” if a one-state policy prevails in Israel-Palestine. Trump allegedly made the comments to Jordan’s King Abdullah while the latter visited the White House in late June. King Abdullah allegedly told Trump that “many young Palestinians don’t want […]

Not The Eid Of My Childhood

Today is known in Islamic tradition as ‘Youm Arafah’ Or ‘Waqfet Arafah’ . What it means is that all Muslims who are able to make the Pilgrimage, ‘Al-Hajj’ to Mekka, a main tenet of Islam will gather on top or around Mount Arafat cloaked in their white unstitched shrouds in total subjugation to their faith and maker. They will spend[Read More...]