
Released Israeli Soldier Says “No Remorse” for Extrajudicial Murder of Wounded Palestinian, Would Do It Again

TEL AVIV — Elor Azaria, the Israeli soldier who was convicted of manslaughter in 2017 for shooting an unarmed and injured Palestinian in occupied Hebron, told Israel Hayom in an interview partially released on Wednesday that he feels “no remorse” for the deed and would do it again if ever faced with a similar situation.

Nikki Haley: Palestinian ‘Right of Return’ Should Be Taken ‘Off the Table’

(MEMO) — US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley has said that the right of return of Palestinian refugees displaced since 1948 is an issue that should be taken “off the table”, according to the Times of Israel. Commenting at an appearance at the Foundation for the Defence of Democracies, a pro-Israel think tank based in Washington DC, […]

Leaked footage reveals US Israel lobby astroturfing student event

RT | August 29, 2018 A fake pro-Israel protest manufactured by US-based lobbying groups has been exposed in an exclusive clip from a censored Al Jazeera documentary on Israel’s influence in the US. The release of the much-anticipated US version of undercover documentary The Lobby has been stalled since the UK version, which aired in […]

Israeli project brings young scientists on free trip to “learn about Israel”

By Alison Weir | If Americans Knew | August 29, 2018 An Israeli institute recently brought 73 high school graduates from around the world on a month-long, all-expenses-paid trip to Israel. Much of this is funded by tax-deductible donations from the U.S. For almost half a century, the program, which is run by a project […]

When Illness is a ‘Death Sentence’: The Victimization of Gaza Women

Hanan al-Khoudari resorted to Facebook in a cry for help when Israeli authorities rejected her request to accompany her three-year-old son, Louay, to his chemotherapy treatment in East Jerusalem. The boy is suffering from an ‘aggressive soft tissue sarcoma’. Israeli authorities then justified their decision based on a vague claim that one of Hannan’s relatives is a ‘Hamas operative.” The rights group, Gisha[Read More...]

Seven detained Palestinian women activists from al-Khalil face Israeli persecution

Photo: Protest demands release of Palestinian women prisoners. Via Wattan TV Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – August 29, 2018 Seven Palestinian women from al-Khalil have been jailed by the Israeli occupation, with many held in intense, torturous interrogation for many weeks. The Israeli Shin Bet intelligence agency is now attempting to market these arrests […]

Israeli occupation bans Palestinian student from his university campus

Photo: Yousef Dweikat and the order barring him from his university. Via Hadf News. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network – August 29, 2018 Palestinian student Yousef Dweikat was banned from entering the campus of his university, An-Najah National University in occupied Nablus, on Tuesday, 28 August 2018. Dweikat, 20, a student at the Faculty of […]

Anti-Semitism Charges Against Jeremy Corbyn are Diversion from Israeli Occupation of Palestine

LIVERPOOL, UNITED KINGDOM — The U.K. Labour Party conference is more than three weeks away and Jeremy Corbyn, true to himself and his principles, has risen above the mud-slinging and continues to fight for the principles to which he has dedicated his entire life. He focuses on issues like social justice; caring for the many rather than the few, the millions not the millionaires; and, as Corbyn himself said in his speech at last year’s convention, “end[ing] the oppression of the Palestinian people.”