
Erekat: Oslo agreement is dead and we will not abide by it

MEMO | September 14, 2018 Palestinian chief negotiator and a member of the Fatah Central Committee Saeb Erekat has acknowledged that the Oslo agreement signed 25 years ago between Israel and the PLO “has died on the ground because of Israel’s practices”. Speaking to Al-Khaleej Online, Erekat said: “The Palestinian side has fully complied with […]

Lebanon rejects alleged plan to ‘resettle’ Palestinians

MEMO | September 13, 2018 Lebanese Foreign Minister Jebran Bassil has slammed an alleged US plan to “resettle” Palestinian refugees in neighboring Arab states, Lebanese daily Al-Joumhouria reported Thursday. Bassil’s remarks came in response to a tweet two days earlier by Israeli Intelligence Minister Yisrael Katz, in which the latter welcomed an alleged plan by […]

I Just Visited Syria: Here’s What a Syrian Palestinian Woman Wanted Me to Tell People in the West

At the end of six days in Damascus last week, and on the eve of Ramadan, I finally found time to re-visit a Palestinian-run art gallery and shop with my wife; we had been there eight years earlier, and before this terrible war that we could never have imagined was begun. At that time, in 2010, the sins of the […]

Conflating Anti-Zionism with Anti-Semitism a Dangerous and Useful Ploy for Zionists

JERUSALEM — (Analysis) According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, anti-Semitism is defined as “hostility toward or discrimination against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group.” This is also how anti-Semitism is understood by people in general. However, the state of Israel and Zionist organizations around the world do not want the term to be defined as only racism against Jewish people but also to include criticism and rejection of Zionism.

Palestine’s National Treasure, Dr Salman Abu Sitta chronicles war crimes, truth and hope

  Dr Salman Abu Sitta is a pragmatic and principled visionary whose unwavering yearning for home has morphed into the Palestinian Land Society, his literal pièce de résistance, that has created the phenomenal Atlas of Palestine, 1917-1966 and meticulous plans for the inevitable return home. His every breath and step that began in the 1948 Nakba from Bir as Saba to a refugee camp[Read More...]

Green Party urges Int’l Criminal Court to probe Israel’s war on Palestinians

The Green Party has endorsed a letter to the International Criminal Court (ICC) that was drafted by the party’s Peace Action Committee. The letter, which is appended below, outlines the history of the Israeli occupation of Palestine and requests that alleged war crimes by Israel that have been reported since June 2014 be investigated by the ICC. The ICC opened a preliminary examination into[Read More...]

The Veiled Danger of the ‘Dead’ Oslo Accords

Yossi Beilin is back. This unrepentant Israeli ‘peacemaker’ is like the mythical phoenix, constantly resurrecting from its own ashes. In a recent article in Al-Monitor, Beilin wrote in support of the idea of a confederation between Israel and Palestine. A confederation “could prevent the need to evacuate settlers and allow those interested to live in Palestine as Israeli citizens, just as a[Read More...]

Iranian Bots and the Facebook Stasi: Manufacturing Consent for the Endless War

By Helen Buyniski | Helen of desTroy | September 3, 2018 If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again. The American Empire doesn’t handle failure well, and their repeated failures to oust Syrian president Bashar al-Assad have driven them into a frenzy where good judgment and logic are a thing of the past. Russian […]

French Online Payment Service Provider HelloAsso Refuses to Close Accounts Belonging to BDS Activists

Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee / France (BNC) 09-12-18 HelloAsso, a French company that provides online payment services, has rejected pressure by Israel lobby groups to shut down the accounts of two French groups which support the BDS movement for Palestinian human rights. HelloAsso will continue to provide services to both Association France […]