
BDS and Workers’ Unity are Crucial in Maintaining International Solidarity for Palestine

PEORIA, ILLINOIS — The corporate website proudly informs its readers:

At Caterpillar, we are committed to respecting internationally recognized human rights throughout our global operations. While this policy is uniquely our own, we considered principles described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Labor Organization’s (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work in its development.”

Lieberman scolds EU diplomats for condemning Khan Ahmar demolition

Palestine Information Center – October 7, 2018 OCCUPIED JERUSALEM – Israel’s war minister Avigdor Lieberman sent a letter to eight European ambassadors in Israel slamming them for a joint statement signed by their countries in which they criticized the Israeli government’s plan to demolish a Palestinian Bedouin village. The ambassadors from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, […]

UNRWA concerned about Israel plan to stop its work in Jerusalem

MEMO – October 6, 2018 The UN Works and Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) has expressed its concern about a statement made by Jerusalem’s mayor, Nir Barkat, that he would stop the organisation’s operations in the occupied city. UNRWA’s statement, a copy of which was sent to MEMO, said: “UNRWA conducts humanitarian operations in […]

PLO Learned Bitter Oslo Lesson: Negotiation With US and Israel Is for Suckers

WASHINGTON — The intention behind the Oslo Accords, one can argue, was made evident when, almost to the day on the 25th anniversary of the accords, the U.S. closed the PLO mission in Washington. The State Department cited the Palestinian failure to “advance the start of direct and meaningful negotiations with Israel,” according to a report in the The New Yorker.

Israel’s ”Antisemitism” Cyber Monitoring System

If Americans Knew | October 5, 2018 Naftali Bennett, Israeli Minister of Education & Minister of Diaspora Affairs, announces social media “command center” which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze every single post on Facebook and Twitter, says it currently detects roughly 10,000 ‘antisemitic’ posts a day. However, because Israel has distorted the meaning […]

Smear and Shekels

By Gilad Atzmon | October 4, 2018 Haaretz reveals today that Canary Mission a Hasbara defamation outlet that was established to “spread fear among undergraduate activists, posting more than a thousand political dossiers on student supporters of Palestinian rights,” is funded by one of the largest Jewish charities in the U.S. According to Haaretz ; the Forward, […]

Jerusalem: Israel settlers occupy buildings near Al-Aqsa Mosque

MEMO | October 4, 2018 Israeli settlers have occupied two Palestinian buildings near Al-Aqsa Mosque in occupied East Jerusalem. In the early hours of this morning, Israeli settlers stormed a building in the Muslim Quarter of the Old City. According to Wafa, the “settlers moved into the building owned by the Joudeh family, which was […]