
That Single Line of Blood: Nassir al-Mosabeh and Mohammed al-Durrah

As the frail body of 12-year-old Nassir Al-Mosabeh fell to the ground on Friday, September 28, history was repeating itself in a most tragic way. Little Nassir was not just another number, a ‘martyr’ to be exalted by equally poor refugees in Gaza, or vilified by Israel and its tireless hasbara machine. He was much more than that. The stream of blood[Read More...]

After 70 Years of Abuse, a Definition of Anti-Palestinian Racism

Is this where the fight-back begins? By Stuart Littlewood | Dissident Voice | October 10, 2018 What is the matter with the Palestine solidarity movement? Since 1948 (and before that, even) the Palestinians have been viciously abused and dispossessed while the perpetrators and their supporters have continually played the anti-Semitism card. Bemused spectators have been […]

Breaking the Silence about Israel’s Occupation of Hebron

Ido Even-Paz switched on his body camera as his tour group decamped from the bus in Hebron. The former Israeli soldier wanted to document any trouble we might encounter in this, the largest Palestinian city in the occupied West Bank.
It was not Hebron’s Palestinian residents who concerned him. He was worried about Israelis – Jewish religious extremists and the soldiers there to guard them – who have seized control of much of the city centre.

The politicisation of the Palestinian right of return is imperative

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | October 4, 2018 In its annual report to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People recommended that Israel acknowledges the Palestinian Nakba. The backdrop for such an acknowledgement remains the two-state compromise, which defeats the purpose of the […]

Israel arrests 500 Palestinians over Facebook posts

Palestine Information Center – October 8, 2018 GAZA – Israel has arrested 500 Palestinians, including women, children and MPs, over their social media posts, the Palestine Center for Prisoners Studies reported. The center’s spokesman Riyadh Al-Ashqar said that the Israeli authorities began arresting Palestinians for their social media posts since the start of the Jerusalem […]

Army Raid Imprisoned Palestinian Activist’s Home, Forcing Him to Dress as Israeli Soldier

Ma’an – October 8, 2018 RAMALLAH – Israeli forces raided the home of Palestinian prisoner and activist, Hasan Karajeh, in the Safa village, in the central occupied West Bank district of Ramallah, on Monday morning. Locals said that Israeli forces raided Karajeh’s family home, who was brought along to the raid with his hands tied […]

Fun at the United Nations and in Congress: Israel Wins the Comedy Competition

Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.) with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Image Credit: GPO By Philip Giraldi | American Herald Tribune | October 8, 2018 Most people are unaware of the fact that the annual opening of the United Nations General Assembly, which takes place in September, is actually a major audition opportunity for aspiring stand-up […]