
Zionism, Judaism and the Jewish State of Israel

Zionism, Judaism and the Jewish State of Israel: Separateness, ontological uniqueness and Jewish morality are its characteristics By Lynda Burstein Brayer | The Saker Blog | November 23, 2018 Western thinking and intellectual endeavor is very much epitomized by formality, rationality and clear boundaries or limits. These qualities no doubt derive from the Aristotelian philosophical […]

Israeli High Court rules to allow, expand use of Torture

By Celine Hagbard | IMEMC | November 29, 2018 In a ruling that directly violates international law and conventions against the use of torture, the Israeli High Court ruled Monday that Israeli intelligence officers were justified in their use of torture against a Palestinian prisoner. The ruling sets a precedent for the future use of […]

Netanyahu’s Predicament: The Era of Easy Wars is over

When Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, ordered his army to carry out a limited operation in the besieged Gaza Strip on November 12, he certainly did not anticipate that his military adventure would destabilize his government and threaten the very survival of his right-wing coalition. But it did, far more than the multiple police investigations into variouscorruption cases involving Netanyahu’s family[Read More...]

Catholic Lands to be Seized in Jordan Valley

Ma’an – November 27, 2018 TUBAS – Israeli authorities decided to seize hundreds of dunams of Palestinian land, which belongs to the Catholic Church, in an area in the northern Jordan Valley, on Tuesday. Mutaz Bisharat, a Palestinian official in charge of Jordan Valley’s Israeli settlements file at the Palestinian Authority (PA), told Ma’an that […]

Israel Attorney General: ‘No Palestinian state’ so ICJ illegitimate

MEMO | November 27, 2018 Israel’s Attorney General is drafting a legal opinion which will declare the International Court of Justice (ICJ) illegitimate on the grounds that there is “no Palestinian state”. Avichai Mandelblit said yesterday that he was drafting the judgment to refute the ICJ’s legitimacy to rule on the Israel-Palestine conflict, claiming that […]

Pro-Israel groups attack Rand Paul for blocking $38 billion to Israel

If Americans Knew | November 27, 2018 Free Beacon reports that “pro-Israel groups in America are mobilizing against Sen. Rand Paul (R., Ky.) for blocking the continuation of U.S. aid to Israel.” Paul has placed a “block” on legislation to give Israel $38 billion over the next 10 years – $23,000 per every Jewish Israeli family […]

After Giving $15 Million To Soros Orgs, USAID Fires Half Of Its West Bank Staff

By Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge – 11/25/2018 The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced that half of its West Bank and Gaza employees will be let go over the next few weeks, and that operations will completely cease by early 2019, according to Haaretz. The humanitarian agency has been a longstanding presence […]

Israeli Defense Minister Lieberman Misplays a Weak Hand, Exits Cabinet in a Huff

JERUSALEM, PALESTINE — Sitting with a few friends in the cafeteria of the Knesset, the Israeli house of representatives, one could sense that elections were in the air, or at least a vote of no confidence that would lead to elections. We were waiting for a meeting with Knesset members of the Joint List, and the hustle-bustle around the cafeteria was ominous. All that was needed was a catalyst, something that would push things over the cliff.

Israel army arrests Palestinian MP from West Bank home

MEMO | November 21, 2018 The Israeli army this morning arrested a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council from the occupied West Bank city of Al-Bireh, according to local witnesses. Witnesses told the Anadolu Agency that an Israeli military force raided and searched the home of Palestinian MP Ahmad Attoun before arresting him. The army, […]