
As Israel crimes on Gaza border hit zenith, US backs bill targeting Palestinian anti-occupation leaders

Palestine Information Center – December 12, 2018 RAMALLAH – The US House of Representatives on Tuesday approved a bill that would target for sanctions Hamas resistance movement and Hezbollah over allegations of using civilians as human shields, guaranteeing that it will become law, JTA reported. The bill describes Hamas and Hezbollah groups as “repeated” practitioners […]

Israel to build ‘Embassy Quarter’ in occupied Jerusalem

MEMO | December 12, 2018 Israel is to build an embassy complex in occupied Jerusalem, a year after US President Donald Trump announced his plans to relocate the American Embassy to the city. Israel’s Construction and Housing Ministry announced today that it plans to build a complex with space for nine separate embassies in occupied […]

The Israel Lobby Tried to Weaponize Anti-Semitism to Take down Marc Lamont Hill – and it Backfired

The pro-Israel lobby’s ongoing efforts to weaponize anti-Semitism has been dealt a major blow after a prestigious American university refused to sack one of its professors for showing solidarity with Palestine. Lobbyists inflicted a lot of pressure on the university after Marc Lamont Hill outraged Israel’s supporters and was accused of anti-Semitism when he talked of a free Palestine “from the river to the sea” in a robust speech at the United Nations during a session on the organization’s International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.

On Israel-Palestine, Four Newly Elected Progressives Vary in Willingness to Walk the Walk

WASHINGTON – As a result of the midterm election, four recently elected women affiliated with the democratic-socialist PAC Justice Democrats will soon be striding through Capitol Hill as full-fledged members of Congress. These four women – Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Ayanna Pressley – have all been touted as “progressive” game-changers for having avoided corporate money during their primaries and for supporting policies like Medicare-for-all and abolishing ICE, among others.

The Real Face of Justin Trudeau: Are Palestinians Canada’s New Jews?  

How does one explain Canada’s contradictory foreign policy regarding Palestine and Israel? On December 4, Secretary General of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Saeb Erekat, praised Canada’s commitment not to follow the footsteps of the US Donald Trump Administration by transferring its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. But there is little worth praising here. Respecting the internationally-recognized status of Jerusalem[Read More...]

Seeking protection for the Palestinians at the UN empowers the criminals

By Ramona Wadi | MEMO | December 11, 2018 The debate on whether Palestinians should be granted international protection continues. Adalah’s November 2018 Report to the UN Independent Commission of Inquiry on the 2018 Protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territories says that, since Israel “failed to exercise its criminal jurisdiction over those responsible for the […]

Israeli settlers hang posters calling for killing Palestinian President

Ma’an – December 11, 2018 NABLUS – Israeli extreme Jewish groups hung posters of the Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas at the Huwwara crossroads in southern Nablus, in the northern occupied West Bank, on Tuesday, calling for his assassination. Locals reported that the Israeli army, deployed in the area, did not remove these posters. The posters […]

Senior Israeli Lawmaker: “The Israeli army has enough bullets for every Palestinian”

IMEMC News & Agencies – December 10, 2018 Chairman for the Defense Committee of the Israeli Parliament of the Knesset, Avi Dichter, recently made an underhanded remark expressing favor for killing all Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. As he was commenting on the protests of the Great March of Return, taking place along the eastern […]